Bauduin S., Germain E., Zimmermann F., Idelberger S., Herdtfelder M., Heurich M., Kramer-Schadt S., Duchamp C., Drouet-Hoguet N., Morand A., Blanc L., Charbonnel A., Gimenez O. (2022). Eurasian lynx populations in Western Europe: What prospects for the next 50 years? bioRxiv preprint.
Desprez M., V. Miele, O. Gimenez (2023). Nine tips for ecologists using machine learning arXiv preprint.
Gimenez O., A. Royle, M. Kéry, C. Nater (2024). Ten quick tips to get you started with Bayesian statistics submitted to Plos Computational Biology
Gimenez O. and colleagues (2024). Étude du retour de la Loutre d’Europe Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) sur le fleuve Lez (fleuve côtier, Hérault, France) grâce aux méthodes non-invasives de suivi des populations et une collaboration étroite entre structures académiques et territoriales submitted to Naturae
Louvrier J., M. Fidino, J.V. Stuardo, O. Gimenez (2024). How reliably can species co-occurrence be inferred from occupancy models?
Grente O., T. Opitz, C. Duchamp, N. Drouet-Hoguet, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, O. Gimenez (2024). Spatio-temporal dynamics of attacks around deaths of wolves: A statistical assessment of lethal control efficiency in France
Gimenez O. (2025). Estimating invasive rodent abundance using removal data and hierarchical models
Santostasi N.L., S. Bauduin, O. Grente, O. Gimenez, P. Ciucci (2025). Simulating the efficacy of wolf–dog hybridization management with individual‐based modeling Conservation Biology 39:e14312.
Cosquer A., O. Gimenez, A. Grégoire, V. Girard, T. Noell, T. Wasella (2025). The Ecoformative and Transformative Issues of Nature in the Schoolyard: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Everyday Experiences of Nature and Well-being at School Cities and the Environment 17:8.
Gimenez O. (2024) Spatial occupancy models for data collected on stream networks Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34: e70013.
Monchy C., M.-P. Etienne, O. Gimenez (2024) Using informative priors to account for identifiability issues in occupancy models with identification errors Peer Community Journal Volume 5 (2025), article no. e8. doi: 10.24072/pcjournal.511.
Carpentier C.A.E., M. Heurich, O. Gimenez, O. Devineau, J.D.C. Linnell (2024) Cumulative mortality effects on roe deer population dynamics in the boreal forest: Searching for pathways of population persistence Global Ecology and Conservation 56: e03318.
Gimenez O. (2024) My paper was proved wrong. After a sleepless night, here’s what I did next Nature. You may read this column here.
Fernández-López J. P. Acevedo, S. Illanas, J.A. Blanco-Aguiar, J. Vicente, O. Gimenez (2024). Game target-group: Implementing inhomogeneous Poisson point process to estimate animal abundance from harvest data Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 170-182.
Moulherat S., L. Pautrel, G. Debat, M.-P. Etienne, L. Gendron, N. Hautière, J.-P. Tarel, G. Testud, O. Gimenez (2024). Biodiversity Monitoring with Intelligent Sensors: An Integrated Pipeline for Mitigating Animal-Vehicle Collisions. Nature Conservation 57:103-124.
Grente O., S. Bauduin, N. L. Santostasi, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, C. Duchamp, N. Drouet-Hoguet, O. Gimenez (2024). Evaluating the effects of wolf culling on livestock predation when considering wolf population dynamics in an individual-based model Wildlife Biology e01227.
Morin A., O. Gimenez, L. L. Sousa, J. Seymour-Smith, H. O’Donnell, M.-L. Delignette-Muller, D. Madhlamoto, A. J. Loveridge, M. Valeix (2024). Response of a carnivore community to water management in a semi-arid savanna. Biological Conservation 299.
Lauret V., O. Gimenez, H. Labach, N. Lescureux (2024). Smokescreen or groundwork? The paradox of ecological monitoring in the management of Marine Protected Areas Marine Policy 170:106383.
Kervellec K., T. Couturier, S. Bauduin, D. Chenesseau, P. Defos du Rau, N. Drouet-Hoguet, C. Duchamp, J. Steinmetz, J.-M. Vandel, O. Gimenez (2024) Bringing circuit theory into spatial occupancy models to assess landscape connectivity Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15: 2141-2152.
Santostasi N.L., S. Bauduin, O. Grente, O. Gimenez, P. Ciucci (2024). Simulating the efficacy of wolf–dog hybridization management with individual‐based modeling Conservation Biology e14312.
Maurer G., M.-P. Dubois, Z.M. Oo, V. Chanthavong, B. Mulot, O. Gimenez, F. Kjellberg (2024). Genetic structure and diversity of semi-captive populations: the anomalous case of the Asian elephant. Conservation Genetics 25: 973-984.
Sidous M., S. Cubaynes, O. Gimenez, N. Drouet-Hoguet, S. Dray, L. Bollache, D. Madhlamoto, N.A. Ngwenya, H. Fritz, M. Valeix (2024) Insights on the effect of mega-carcass abundance on the population dynamics of a facultative scavenger predator and its prey Peer Community Journal 4: e53.
Arbieu U., L. Taysse, O. Gimenez, L. Lehnen, T. Mueller (2024) Emotional states elicited by wolf videos are diverse and explain general attitudes towards wolves People and Nature 6: 1288-1302.
Viollat L., M. Quéroué, K. Delord, O. Gimenez, C. Barbraud (2024). Bottom-up effects and density dependence drive the dynamic of an antarctic seabird predator-prey system. Ecology 105: e4367.
Ghislain M., T. Bonnet, U. Godeau, O. Dehorter, O. Gimenez, P.-Y. Henry (2024). Synchrony in adult survival is remarkably strong among common temperate songbirds across France. Ecology 105: e4305.
Pautrel L., S. Moulherat, O. Gimenez*, M.-P. Etienne* (2024). Analysing biodiversity observation data collected in continuous time: Should we use discrete- or continuous-time occupancy models? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15: 935-950. *Co-senior authors.
Forcada J., J. I. Hoffman, O. Gimenez, I. J. Staniland, P. Bucktrout, A. G. Wood (2023). Ninety years of change, from commercial extinction to recovery, range expansion and decline for Antarctic fur seals at South Georgia. Global Change Biology 29: 6867-6887.
Maurer*, G., M. Chandelier*, B. Mulot, O. Gimenez (2023). Polarized media coverage of conflicting, yet emblematic species: The ambivalent portrayal of the Asian elephant. Biological Conservation 289: 110391. *Co-first authors.
Rigoudy N., A. Benyoub, A. Besnard, C. Birck, Y. Bollet, Y. Bunz, J. Chiffard Carriburu, G. Caussimont, E. Chetouane, P. Cornette, A. Delestrade, N. De Backer, L. Dispan, M. Le Barh, J. Duhayer, J.-F. Elder, J.-B. Fanjul, J. Fonderflick, N. Froustey, M. Garel, W. Gaudry, A. Gérard, O. Gimenez, A. Hemery, A. Hemon, J.-M. Jullien, I. Malafosse, M. Marginean, V. Prunet, J. Rabault, M. Randon, A. Régnier, R. Ribière, J.-C. Ricci, S. Ruette, J. Sentilles, N. Siefert, B. Smith, G. Terpereau, W. Thuiller, A. Uzal, V. Vautrain, G. Dussert, B. Spataro, V. Miele, S. Chamaillé-Jammes (2023). The DeepFaune initiative: a collaborative effort towards the automatic identification of French fauna in camera-trap images. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69: 113.
Bauduin S., O. Gimenez, N. Drouet-Hoguet, J. Louvrier, C. Duchamp (2023). Estimer l’effort d’échantillonnage de réseaux participatifs : l’exemple du réseau Loup-lynx. Biodiversité 5: 6-9.
Nakamura M., J. V. López-Bao, H. Rio-Maior, S. Roque, P. Gil, A. Serronha, E. García, O. Hernández Palacios, G. Ferrão da Costa, F. Álvares, F. Petrucci-Fonseca, O. Gimenez*, P. Monterroso* (2023). Insights into the dynamics of wolf occupancy in human-dominated landscapes. Biological Conservation 286: 110316. *Co-senior authors.
Lauret V., H. Labach, L. David, M. Authier, O. Gimenez (2023). Using integrated multispecies occupancy models to map co-occurrence between bottlenose dolphins and fisheries in the Gulf of Lion, French Mediterranean Sea. Oikos 11: e10270.
Couturier T., S. Bauduin, G. Astruc, A. Blanck, C. Canonne, T. Chambert, J. Chiffard, A. Cosquer, S. Cubaynes, L. Curtet, E. Dortel, N. Drouet-Hoguet, C. Duchamp, C. Francesiaz, O. Grente, A. Jailloux, M. Kervellec, V. Lauret, J.-D. Lebreton, J. Louvrier, L. Marescot, R. Mathevet, M.-L. Navas, C. Perrot, N. Poulet, P.-Y. Quenette, M. Salas, G. Souchay, C. Vanpé, A. Besnard, O. Gimenez (2023). Building spaces of interactions between researchers and managers: Case studies with wildlife monitoring and conservation in France. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4: e12245.
Silk M., O. Gimenez (2023). Generation and applications of simulated datasets to integrate social network and demographic analyses. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9871.
Kervellec M., C. Milleret, C. Vanpé, P.-Y. Quenette, J. Sentilles, S. Palazón, I. A. Jordana, R. Jato, M. M. Elósegui Irurtia, O. Gimenez (2023). Integrating opportunistic and structured non-invasive surveys with spatial capture-recapture models to map connectivity of the Pyrenean brown bear population. Biological Conservation 278: 109875.
Fernández-López, J., P. Acevedo, O. Gimenez (2023). La unión hace la fuerza: modelos de distribución de especies integrando diferentes fuentes de datos. Ecosistemas 32: 2527-2527.
Rodrigues P., I. Dorresteijn, O. Gimenez (2023). ‘The human shield effect’: Human-wildlife co-occurrence patterns in the coffee forests of southwestern Ethiopia. Food Webs 36: e00288.
Petridou M., J.F. Benson, O. Gimenez, Y. Iliopoulos, V. Kati (2023). Do husbandry practices reduce depredation of free-ranging livestock? A case study with wolves in Greece. Biological Conservation 283: 11009.
Kleiven E.F., F. Barraquand, Gimenez O., J.-A. Henden, R. Anker Ims, E. M. Soininen, N. G. Yoccoz (2023). A Dynamic Occupancy Model for Interacting Species with Two Spatial Scales. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 28: 466-482.
Grente O., C. Duchamp, S. Bauduin, S. Chamaille-Jammes, N. Drouet-Hoguet, O. Gimenez (2023). Tirs dérogatoires de loups en France : évaluation des effets sur les dommages aux troupeaux. Naturae 5: 65-73.
Tardy C., D. Ody, O. Gimenez, S. Planes (2023). Abundance of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, using photo-identification and microsatellite genotyping. Marine Ecology 44: e12737.
Petridou M., J.F. Benson, O. Gimenez, V. Kati (2023). Spatiotemporal Patterns of Wolves, and Sympatric Predators and Prey Relative to Human Disturbance in Northwestern Greece. Diversity 15:184.
Frost F., R. McCrea, R. King, O. Gimenez, E. Zipkin (2023). Integrated Population Models: Achieving Their Potential. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 17:6.
Lauret V., H. Labach, D. Turek, S. Laran, O. Gimenez (2022). Integrated spatial models foster complementarity between monitoring programmes in producing large‐scale bottlenose dolphin indicators. Animal Conservation 26: 228-238.
Vanpé C., B. Piédallu, P.-Y. Quenette, J. Sentilles, G. Queney, S. Palazón, I. A. Jordana, R. Jato, M. M. Elósegui Irurtia, J. Solà de la Torre, O. Gimenez (2022). Estimating abundance of a recovering transboundary brown bear population with capture-recapture models. Peer Community Journal 2:e71.
Adamantopoulou S., A. A. Karamanlidis, P. Dendrinos, O. Gimenez (2022). Citizen science indicates significant range recovery and defines new conservation priorities for Earth’s most endangered pinniped in Greece. Animal Conservation 26: 115-125.
Naciri, M, J Aars, MA Blanchet, O. Gimenez, S Cubaynes (2022). Reproductive senescence in polar bears in a variable environment Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 920481.
Gimenez O., M. Kervellec, J.-B. Fanjul, A. Chaine, L. Marescot, Y. Bollet, C. Duchamp (2021) Trade-off between deep learning for species identification and inference about predator-prey co-occurrence: Reproducible R workflow integrating models in computer vision and ecological statistics. Computo. Data and code here.
Grente O., T. Saubusse, Gimenez O., E. Marboutin, C. Duchamp (2022). Wolf depredation hotspots in France: Clustering analyses accounting for livestock availability. Biological Conservation 267: 109495.
Gervasi V., J. Linnell, T. Berce, L. Boitani, B. Cretois, P. Ciucci, C. Duchamp, A. Gastineau, O. Grente, D. Hilfiker, D. Huber, Y. Iliopoulos, A. Karamanlidis, F. Marucco, Y. Mertzanis, P. Mannil, H. Norberg, N. Pagon, L. Pedrotti, P.-Y. Quenette, S. Reljic, V. Salvatori, T. Talvi, M. von Arx, Gimenez O. (2021). Ecological correlates of large carnivore depredation on sheep in Europe. Global Ecology and Conservation 30: e01798.
Kazakou E., Fried G., Cheptou P.-O., and Gimenez O. (2021). Does seed mass drive interspecies variation in the effect of management practices on weed demography? Ecology and Evolution 11: 13166-13174.
Maurer G., Gimenez O., Mulot B., and Lescureux N. (2021). Under pressure: How human-wild-captive elephant social-ecological system in Laos is teetering due to global forces and sociocultural changes. People and Nature 3: 1047-1063.
Rounsevell M.D.A., A. Arneth, C. Brown, W.W.L. Cheung, O. Gimenez, I. Holman, P. Leadley, C. Luján, S. Mahevas, I. Maréchaux, R. Pélissier, P. H. Verburg, G. Vieilledent, B.A. Wintle, Y-J Shin (2021). Identifying uncertainties in scenarios and models of socio-ecological systems in support of decision-making. One Earth 4: 967-985.
Tavecchia G., O. Gimenez, R. Choquet, A. Rotger, D. Oro, S. Tenan, A. Sanz-Aguilar (2021). The trap of hidden processes: Why ‘quick & dirty’methods to estimate mortality are not always good. A comment to De Pascalis et al.(2020). Biological Conservation 256: 109057.
Santostasi N. L., O. Gimenez, R. Caniglia, E. Fabbri, L. Molinari, W. Reggioni, P. Ciucci (2021). Estimating Admixture at the Population Scale: Taking Imperfect Detectability and Uncertainty in Hybrid Classification Seriously. Journal of Wildlife Management 85: 1031-1046.
Zriki G., R. Blatrix, D. J. Bicout, O. Gimenez, A.‐S. Soulié, L. Dadu, D. Degueldre, G. Chiron, N. Sleeckx, L. Roy (2021). Population‐level impact of native arthropod predators on the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 335: 552-563.
Miele V., S. Dray, O. Gimenez (2021) Images, écologie et deep learning. Regard 95 de la Société Française d’Ecologie et d’Evolution.
Turek, D., C. Wehrhahn, Gimenez O. (2021). Bayesian Non-Parametric Detection Heterogeneity in Ecological Models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 28: 355-381.
Lauret V., Labach H., Authier M., Gimenez O. (2021). Combining single- and repeated-visit occupancy models to make the best of monitoring surveys. Ecology 102: e03535.
Gamelon M, Baubet E., Besnard A., Gaillard J.-M., Lebreton J.-D., Touzot L., Veylit L., Gimenez O. (2021). Efficient use of harvest data: An integrated population model for exploited animal populations. Ecography 44: 1296-1310.
Labach H., Azzinari C., Barbier M., Cesarini C., Daniel B., David L., Dhermain F., Di-Méglio N., Guichard B., Jourdan J., Robert N., Roul M., Tomasi N., Gimenez O. (2022). Distribution and abundance of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) over the French Mediterranean continental shelf. Marine Mammal Science 38: 212-222.
Barraquand F., Gimenez O. (2021). Fitting stochastic predator-prey models using both population density and kill rate data Theoretical Population Biology 138: 1-27.
Cubaynes S., Aars J., Yoccoz N.G., Pradel R., Wiig Ø, Ims R.A., Gimenez O. (2021). Modeling the demography of species providing extended parental care: A capture-recapture approach with a case study on Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus). Ecology and Evolution 11: 3380-3392.
Quéroué M., C. Barbraud, F. Barraquand, D. Turek, K. Delord, N. Pacoureau, Gimenez O. (2021). Multispecies integrated population model reveals bottom-up dynamics in a seabird predator-prey system Ecological Monographs 91: e01459.
Grente O., C. Duchamp, S. Bauduin, T. Opitz, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, N. Drouet-Hoguet, O. Gimenez (2020) Tirs dérogatoires de loups en France: état des connaissances et des enjeux pour la gestion des attaques aux troupeaux. Faune Sauvage 327: 16-21.
Bischof R., C. Milleret, P. Dupont, J. Chipperfield, M. Tourani, A. Ordiz, P. de Valpine, D. Turek, J. A. Royle, Gimenez O., Ø. Flagstad, M. Åkesson, L. Svensson, H. Brøseth, J. Kindberg (2020). Estimating and forecasting spatial population dynamics of apex predators using transnational genetic monitoring. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117: 30531-30538.
Vitet C., P. Duncan, Gimenez O., C. Mabika, S. Chamaillé‐Jammes (2020). Plains zebras bring evidence that dilution and detection effects may not always matter behaviorally and demographically. Ecosphere 11: e03288.
Bauduin S., O. Grente, N.L. Santostasi, P. Ciucci, C. Duchamp, O. Gimenez (2020). An individual-based model to explore the impacts of lesser-known social dynamics on wolf populations. Ecological Modelling 433: 109209.
McClintock B.T., R. Langrock, Gimenez O., E. Cam, D.L. Borchers, R. Glennie, T. A. Patterson (2020). Uncovering ecological state dynamics with hidden Markov models. Ecology Letters 23: 1878-1903.
Genovart M., Gimenez O., A. Bertolero, R. Choquet, D. Oro, R. Pradel (2020). Decrease in social cohesion in a colonial seabird under a perturbation regime. Scientific Reports 10: 18720.
Santostasi N.L., Ciucci P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez O. (2020). Assessing the dynamics of hybridization through a matrix modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 431: 109120.
Chero G., Pradel R., Derville S., Bonneville C., Gimenez O., Garrigue C. (2020). Reproductive capacity of an endangered and recovering population of humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere. Marine Ecology Progress Series 643: 219-227.
Milleret C., Dupont P., Chipperfield J., Turek D., Brøseth H., Gimenez O., de Valpine P., Bischof R. (2020). Estimating abundance with interruptions in data collection using open population spatial capture–recapture models. Ecosphere 11: e03172.
Louvrier L., Papaïx J., Duchamp C., Gimenez O. (2020). A mechanistic-statistical species distribution model to explain and forecast wolf (Canis lupus) colonization in South-Eastern France. Spatial Statistics 36: 100428.
Marescot L., Lyet A., Singh R., Carter N., Gimenez O. (2019). Inferring wildlife poaching in southeast Asia with multispecies dynamic occupancy models. Ecography 42: 1–12.
Gamble A., Garnier R., Chambert T., Gimenez O., Boulinier T. (2020). Next generation serology: integrating cross-sectional and capture-recapture approaches to infer disease dynamics. Ecology 101:e02923.
Barraquand F., Gimenez O. (2019). Integrating multiple data sources to fit matrix population models for interacting species. Ecological Modelling 411: 108713.
Gimenez O., Gatti S., Duchamp C., Germain E., Laurent A., Zimmermann F., Marboutin E. (2019). Spatial density estimates of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the French Jura and Vosges Mountains. Ecology and Evolution 9: 11707-11715.
Renner, I.W., Louvrier J., Gimenez O. (2019). Combining multiple data sources in species distribution models while accounting for spatial dependence and overfitting with combined penalized likelihood maximization. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 2118-2128.
Bonnet‐Lebrun A. , Karamanlidis A. A., de Gabriel Hernando M. , Renner I. and O. Gimenez (2019). Identifying priority conservation areas for a recovering brown bear population in Greece using citizen science data. Animal Conservation 23: 83-93.
Donfrancesco V., Ciucci P., [14 authors], Gimenez O., [28 authors] and Mukherjee N. (2019). Unravelling the Scientific Debate on How to Address Wolf-Dog Hybridization in Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:175.
Gervasi V., Linnell J.D.C., Brøseth H., Gimenez O. (2019). Failure to coordinate management in transboundary populations hinders the achievement of national management goals: The case of wolverines in Scandinavia. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1905-1915.
Lok T., Hassell C.J., Piersma T., Pradel R. Gimenez O. (2019). Accounting for heterogeneity when estimating stopover duration, timing and population size of red knots along the Luannan Coast of Bohai Bay, China. Ecology and Evolution 9: 6176–6188.
Le Bot T., A. Lescroël, J. Fort, C. Péron, O. Gimenez, P. Provost, D. Grémillet (2019). Fishery discards do not compensate natural prey shortage in Northern gannets from the English Channel. Biological Conservation 236: 375-384.
Dorinda Marie Folio, J. Aars, O. Gimenez, A. E. Derocher, Ø. Wiig and S. Cubaynes (2019). How many cubs can a mum nurse? Maternal age and size influence litter size in polar bears. Biology Letters 15: 20190070.
Dupont P., Milleret C, Gimenez O., Bischof R (2019). Population closure and the bias‐precision trade‐off in spatial capture–recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 661-672.
Santostasi N.L., P. Ciucci, R. Caniglia, E. Fabbri, L. Molinari, W. Reggioni, Gimenez O. (2019). Use of hidden Markov capture–recapture models to estimate abundance in the presence of uncertainty: Application to the estimation of prevalence of hybrids in animal populations. Ecology and Evolution 9: 744-755.
Gimenez O., L. Mansilla, M.J. Klaich, M.A. Coscarella, S.N. Pedraza, E.A. Crespo (2019). Inferring animal social networks with imperfect detection. Ecological Modelling 401: 69-74.
Melovski, D., Von Arx, M., Avukatov, V., Breitenmoser-Würsten, C., Đurović, M., Elezi, R., Gimenez O., Hoxha, B., Hristovski, S., Ivanov, G., Karamanlidis, A.A., Lanz, T., Mersini, K., Perović, A., Ramadani, A., Sanaja, B., Sanaja, P., Schwaderer, G., Spangenberg, A., Stojanov, A., Trajçe, A., U. Breitenmoser (2019). Using questionnaire surveys and occupancy modelling to identify conservation priorities for the Critically Endangered Balkan lynx Lynx lynx balcanicus. Oryx 54: 706-714.
Benhaiem S., Marescot L., East M. L., Kramer-Schadt S., Gimenez O., Lebreton J.-D. Hofer H. (2018). Slow recovery from a disease epidemic in the spotted hyena, a keystone social carnivore Communications Biology 201: 1.
Louvrier J., Chambert T., Marboutin E., Gimenez O. (2018). Accounting for misidentification and heterogeneity in occupancy studies using hidden Markov models. Ecological Modelling 387: 61-69.
Santostasi N. L., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez O., Eddy L., Bearzi G. (2018). Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosys 31: 101-109.
Louvrier J., Molinari‐Jobin A., Kéry M., Chambert T., Miller D., Zimmermann F., Marboutin E., Molinari P., Mueller O., Cerne R., Gimenez O. (2019). Use of ambiguous detections to improve estimates from species distribution models. Conservation Biology 33: 185-195.
Benhaiem S., Marescot L., Hofer H., East M.L., Lebreton J.-D., Kramer-Schadt S., Gimenez O. (2018). Robustness of eco-epidemiological capture-recapture parameter estimates to variation in infection state uncertainty. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5: 197.
Gimenez O., Lebreton J.‐D., Choquet R., Pradel R. (2018). R2ucare: An r package to perform goodness‐of‐fit tests for capture–recapture models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 1749–1754.
Salguero‐Gomez R., Violle C., Gimenez O., Childs D. (2018). Delivering the promises of trait‐based approaches to the needs of demographic approaches, and vice versa. Functional Ecology 32: 1424–1435.
Bancila R. I., Pradel R., Choquet R., Plaiasu R., Gimenez O. (2018). Using temporary emigration to inform movement behaviour of cave‐dwelling invertebrates: a case study of a cave harvestman species. Ecological Entomology 43: 551-559.
Chandelier M., Steuckardt A., Mathevet R., Diwersy S., Gimenez O. (2018). Content analysis of newspaper coverage of wolf recolonization in France using structural topic modeling Biological Conservation 220: 254-261.
Marescot L, Benhaiem S, Gimenez O. et al. (2018). Social status mediates the fitness costs of infection with canine distemper virus in Serengeti spotted hyenas. Functional Ecology 32: 1237–1250.
Barbraud C., Bertrand A., Bouchón M., Chaigneau A., Delord K., Demarcq H., Gimenez O., Torero M. G., Gutiérrez D., Oliveros-Ramos R., Passuni G., Tremblay Y., Bertrand S. (2018). Density dependence, prey accessibility and prey depletion by fisheries drive Peruvian seabird population dynamics. Ecography 41: 1092-1102.
Marzolin G., Gimenez O. (2018). Fitting a Gamma-Gompertz survival model to capture-recapture data collected on free-ranging animal populations. Journal of Open Source Software 3: 216.
Bearzi G., Gimenez O. (2018). Searching for meaning in marine mammal shared data. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 18: 9-13.
Hamel S., Gaillard J.-M., Yoccoz N. G., Bassar R. D., Bouwhuis S., Caswell H., Douhard M., Gangloff E. J., Gimenez O., Lee P. C., Smallegange I. M., Steiner U. K., Vedde, O. and Vindenes Y. (2018). General conclusion to the special issue Moving forward on individual heterogeneity. Oikos 127: 750–756.
Desprez M., Gimenez O., McMahon C.R., Hindell M.A., Harcourt R.G. (2018). Optimizing lifetime reproductive output: Intermittent breeding as a tactic for females in a long-lived, multiparous mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 87: 199-211.
Bumb I., Garnier E., Coq S., Nahmani J., Del Rey Granado M., Gimenez O., E. Kazakou (2018). Traits determining the digestibility-decomposability relationships in species from Mediterranean rangelands. Annals of Botany 121: 459-469.
Robardet E., Borel C., Moinet M., Jouan D., Wasniewski M., Barrat J., Boue F., Monchatre-Leroy E., Servat A., Gimenez O., Cliquet F., Picard-Meyer E. (2017). Long-term population surveys of two serotine bat (Eptesicus serotinus) colonies exposed to EBLV-1 (European Bat Lyssavirus type 1): Assessment of rabies transmission using capture-recapture models. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11: e0006048.
Gimenez O., E. Cam, J.-M. Gaillard (2018). Individual heterogeneity and capture–recapture models: what, why and how? Oikos 127: 664–686.
Gimenez O., J.-M. Gaillard (2018). Estimating individual fitness in the wild using capture–recapture data. Population Ecology 60: 101–109.
Gimenez O., C. Barbraud (2017). Dealing with many correlated covariates in capture–recapture models. Population Ecology 59: 287-291.
Bertulli C.G., L. Guéry, N. McGinty, A. Suzuki, N. Brannan, T. Marques, M. H. Rasmussen, Gimenez O. (2017). Capture-recapture abundance and survival estimates of three cetacean species in Icelandic coastal waters using trained scientist-volunteers. Journal of Sea Research 131: 22-31.
Maurer G., Rashford B. S., Chanthavong V., Mulot B., Gimenez O. (2017). Wild-captive interactions and economics drive dynamics of Asian elephants in Laos. Scientific Reports 17: 14800.
Lieury N., Devillard S., Besnard A., Gimenez O., Hameau O., Ponchon C., Millon A. (2017). Designing cost-effective capture-recapture surveys for improving the monitoring of survival in bird populations. Biological Conservation 214: 233-241.
Tidière M., Lemaître J.-F., Pélabon C., Gimenez O. and Gaillard, J.-M. (2017). Evolutionary allometry reveals a shift in selection pressure on male horn size. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 1826–1835.
Lagrange P., Gimenez O., Doligez B., Pradel R., Garant D., Pelletier F., Bélisle M. (2017). Assessment of individual and conspecific reproductive success as determinants of breeding dispersal of female tree swallows: A capture-recapture approach. Ecology and Evolution 7: 7334-7346.
Louvrier, J., C. Duchamp, V. Lauret, E. Marboutin, S. Cubaynes, R. Choquet, C. Miquel, O. Gimenez (2018). Mapping and explaining wolf recolonization in France using dynamic occupancy models and opportunistic data Ecography. 41: 647-660.
Piédallu, B., P.-Y. Quenette, N. Bombillon, A. Gastineau, C. Miquel, O. Gimenez (2019). Determinants and patterns of habitat use by the brown bear Ursus arctos in the French Pyrenees revealed by occupancy modelling Oryx. 53: 334–343.
Santostasi, N.L., S. Bonizzoni, G. Bearzi, L. Eddy, O. Gimenez (2016). A Robust Design Capture-Recapture Analysis of Abundance, Survival and Temporary Emigration of Three Odontocete Species in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Plos One 11: e0166650.
Kazakou, E., G. Fried, J. Richarte, O. Gimenez, C. Violle and A. Metay (2016). A plant trait-based response-and-effect framework to assess vineyard inter-row soil management. Botany Letters 163: 373-388.
Péron, G., J.-M. Gaillard, C. Barbraud, C. Bonenfant, A. Charmantier, R. Choquet, T. Coulson, V. Grosbois, A. Loison, G. Marzolin, N. Owen-Smith, D. Pardo, F. Plard, R. Pradel, C. Toïgo, O. Gimenez (2016). Evidence of reduced individual heterogeneity in adult survival of long-lived species. Evolution 70: 2909-2914.
Abadi, F., C. Barbraud, O. Gimene (2017). Integrated population modeling reveals the impact of climate on survival of juvenile emperor penguin. Global Change Biology 23: 1353-1359.
McCrea, R.S., B.J.T. Morgan, O. Gimenez (2017). A new strategy for diagnostic model assessment in capture-recapture. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 66: 815-831.
Tidière, M., J.-M. Gaillard, V. Berger, D.W.H. Müller, L. Bingaman Lackey, O. Gimenez, M. Clauss and J.-F. Lemaître (2016). Comparative analyses of longevity and senescence reveal variable survival benefits of living in zoos across mammals. Scientific Reports 6: 36361.
Bearzi, G., S. Bonizzoni, N.L. Santostasi, N.B. Furey, L. Eddy, V.D. Valavanis, O. Gimenez (2016). Dolphins in a Scaled-Down Mediterranean: The Gulf of Corinth’s Odontocetes. Advances in Marine Biology 75: 297-331.
Soldatini, C., Y.V. Albores-Barajas, B. Massa and O. Gimenez (2016). Forecasting ocean warming impacts on seabird demography: a case study on the European storm petrel. Marine Ecology Progress Series 552: 255–269.
Gervasi, V., Brøseth, H, Gimenez, O., Nilsen, E.B., Odden, J., Flagstad, O. and J.D.C. Linnell (2016). Sharing data improves monitoring of trans-boundary populations: the case of wolverines in central Scandinavia. Wildlife Biology 22: 95–106.
Piédallu, B., Quenette, P.-Y., Mounet, C., Lescureux, N., Borelli-Massines, M., Dubarry, E., Camarra, J.-J. & Gimenez, O. (2016). Spatial variation in public attitudes towards brown bears in the French Pyrénées. Biological Conservation 197: 90–97.
Boulenger, C., A. Acou, O. Gimenez, F. Charrier, J. Tremblay & E. Feunteun (2016). Factors underlying survival of yellow European eels in two unexploited eel sub-populations. Freshwater Biology 61: 947-962.
Gager, Y., O. Gimenez, M. Teage O’Mara and Dina K.N. Dechmann (2016) Group size, survival and surprisingly short lifespan in socially foraging bats. BMC Ecology 16:2.
Bost, C.A., C. Cotté, P. Terray, C. Barbraud, C. Bon, K. Delord, O. Gimenez, Y. Handrich, Y. Naito, C. Guinet, H. Weimerskirch (2015). Large-scale climatic anomalies affect marine predator foraging behaviour and demography. Nature Communications 6: 8220.
Tidière, M., J.-M. Gaillard, D.W.H. Müller, L. Bingaman Lackey, O. Gimenez, M. Clauss, J.-F. Lemaître (2015). Does sexual selection shape sex-differences in longevity and senescence patterns across vertebrates? A review and new insights from captive ruminants. Evolution 69: 3123–3140.
Mouquet, N., Lagadeuc, Y., Devictor, V., Doyen, L., Duputié, A., Eveillard, D., Faure, D., Garnier, E., Gimenez, O., Huneman, P., Jabot, F., Jarne, P., Joly, D., Julliard, R., Kéfi, S., Kergoat, G. J., Lavorel, S., Le Gall, L., Meslin, L., Morand, S., Morin, X., Morlon, H., Pinay, G., Pradel, R., Schurr, F. M., Thuiller, W., Loreau, M. (2015). Predictive ecology in a changing world. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 1293–1310.
Gamelon, M., Gaillard, J.-M., Gimenez, O., Coulson, T., Tuljapurkar, S., Baubet, E. (2016). Linking demographic responses and life history tactics from longitudinal data in mammals. Oikos 125: 395–404.
Karamanlidis, A.A., M. de Gabriel Hernando, L. Krambokoukis, O. Gimenez (2015). Evidence of a large carnivore population recovery: counting bears in Greece. Journal for Nature Conservation 27: 10-17.
Bischof, R., H. Broseth, O. Gimenez (2016). Wildlife in a politically divided world: insularism inflates estimates of brown bear abundance. Conservation Letters 9: 122–130.
Gimenez, O., Buckland, S.T., Morgan, B.J.T., Bez, N., Bertrand, S., Choquet, R., Dray, S., Etienne, M.-P., Fewster, R., Gosselin, F., Mérigot, B., Monestiez, P., Morales, J., Mortier, F., Munoz, F., Ovaskainen, O., Pavoine, S., Pradel, R., Schurr, F.M., Thomas, L., Thuiller, W., Trenkel, V., de Valpine P., E. Rexstad (2015). Statistical ecology comes of age. Biology Letters 10: 20140698. Data and R codes.
Tidière, M., J.-M. Gaillard, D.W.H. Müller, L. Bingaman Lackey, O. Gimenez, M. Clauss, J.-F. Lemaître (2014). Males do not senesce faster in large herbivores with highly seasonal rut. Experimental Gerontology 60: 167–172.
Koons, D.N., F. Colchero, K. Hersey, and O. Gimenez (2015). Disentangling the effects of climate, density dependence, and harvest on an iconic large herbivore’s population dynamics. Ecological Applications 25: 956–967.
Gervasi, V., Brøseth, H., Gimenez, O., Nilsen, E., Linnell, J. (2014). The risks of learning: confounding detection and demographic trend when using count-based indices for population monitoring. Ecology and Evolution 4: 4637–4648.
Gamelon, M., Gimenez, O., Baubet, E., Coulson, T., Tuljapurkar, S., Gaillard, J.-M. (2014). Influence of Life-History Tactics on Transient Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis across Mammalian Populations. The American Naturalist 184: 673-683.
Barnagaud, J.Y., Papaïx, J., Gimenez, O., Svenning, J.-C. (2014). Dynamic spatial interactions between the native invader Brown-headed Cowbird and its hosts - a metacommunity approach. Diversity and Distributions 21: 511-522.
Orgeret, F, Garrigue, C., Gimenez, O., Pradel, R. (2014). Robust assessment of population trends in marine mammals applied to the New Caledonia Humpback Whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 515: 265–273.
Koons, D.N., M. Gamelon, J.-M. Gaillard, L.M. Aubry, R.F. Rockwell, F. Klein, R. Choquet and O. Gimenez (2014). Methods for Studying Cause-Specific Senescence in the Wild. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 924-933.
Gamelon, M., S. Focardi, J.-M. Gaillard, O. Gimenez, C. Bonenfant, B. Franzetti, R. Choquet, F. Ronchi, E. Baubet, J.-F. Lemaître. (2014). Do age-specific survival patterns of wild boar fit current evolutionary theories of senescence? Evolution 68: 3636–3643.
Blanc, L., E. Marboutin, S. Gatti, F. Zimmermann and O. Gimenez (2014). Improving abundance estimation by combining capture-recapture and occupancy data: example with a large carnivore. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 1733–1739. The method described in that paper is flawed, and systematically understimates abundance - see Thomas et al. (2024).
Gimenez, O., L. Blanc, A. Besnard, R. Pradel, P. F. Doherty Jr, E. Marboutin and R. Choquet (2014). Fitting occupancy models with E-SURGE: hidden-Markov modelling of presence-absence data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 592–597. Wiki.
Lee, K.A., C. Huveneers, O. Gimenez, V. Peddemors, R.G. Harcourt (2014). To catch or to sight? A comparison of demographic parameter estimates obtained from mark-recapture and mark-resight models. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 2781-2800.
Soldatini, C., Y. V. Albores-Barajas, B. Massa and O. Gimenez (2014). Climate Driven Life Histories: The Case of the Mediterranean Storm Petrel. Plos One 9: e94526.
Santin-Janin, H., B. Hugueny, P. Aubry, D. Fouchet, O. Gimenez and D. Pontier (2014). Accounting for Sampling Error When Inferring Population Synchrony from Time-Series Data: A Bayesian State-Space Modelling Approach with Applications. Plos One 9: e87084.
Hardouin, L. A., A. Robert, M. Nevoux, O. Gimenez, F. Lacroix and Y. Hingrat (2014). Meteorological conditions influence short-term survival and dispersal in a reinforced bird population. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 1494–1503.
Desprez M., Harcourt R., Hindell M.A., Cubaynes S., Gimenez O., McMahon C.R. (2014). Age-specific cost of first reproduction in female southern elephant seals. Biology Letters 10: 20140264.
Cubaynes, S. C. Lavergne, O. Gimenez (2014). Fitting animal survival models with temporal random effects. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 21: 599–610. Codes.
Lagrange, P., R. Pradel, M. Bélisle, O. Gimenez (2014). Estimating dispersal among numerous sites using capture-recapture data. Ecology 95: 2316-2323.
Souchay, G., O. Gimenez, G. Gauthier, R. Pradel (2014). Variations in Band Reporting Rate and Implications for Kill Rate in Greater Snow Geese. Avian Conservation and Ecology 9: 1.
Le Saout, S., S. Chollet, S. Chamaille-Jammes, L. Blanc, S. Padié, T. Verchère, J.A. Gaston, M. Gillingham, O. Gimenez, K.L. Parker, D. Picot, H. Verheyden, J.-L. Martin (2014). Understanding the Paradox of Deer Persisting at High Abundance in Heavily Browsed Habitats. Wildlife Biology 20: 122-135.
Millon, A., S.J. Petty, B. Little, O. Gimenez, T. Cornulier, X. Lambin (2014). Deleterious effect of dampening prey cycle overrides the impact of climate change on predator dynamics: a long term demographic study on tawny owls. Global Change Biology 20: 1770–1781.
Cole, D., B.J.T. Morgan, R.S. McCrea, R. Pradel, O. Gimenez, R. Choquet (2014). Does Your Species Have Memory? Analysing Capture-Recapture Data with Memory Models. Ecology and Evolution 4: 2124–2133.
Abadi, F., C. Barbraud, D. Besson, J. Bried, P.-A. Crochet, K. Delord, J. Forcada, V. Grosbois, R. A. Phillipse, P. Sagar, P. Thompson, S. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, A.G. Wood, O. Gimenez (2014). Importance of accounting for phylogenetic dependence in multi-species mark–recapture studies. Ecological Modelling 273: 236-241.
Frederiksen, M., Lebreton, J.-D., Pradel, R., Choquet, R. and O. Gimenez (2014). Identifying links between vital rates and environment: a toolbox for the applied ecologist. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 71-81.
Marescot, L., Chapron, G., Chadès, I., Fackler, P., Duchamp, C., Marboutin, E. and O. Gimenez (2013). Complex decisions made simple: A primer on stochastic dynamic programming. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 872-884. Codes.
Gamelon, M., M. Douhard, E. Baubet, O. Gimenez, S Brandt and J.-M. Gaillard (2013). Fluctuating food resources influence developmental plasticity in wild boar. Biology Letters 9: 20130419.
Desprez, M., McMahon, C., Hindell, M., Harcourt, R. and O. Gimenez (2013). Known unknowns in an imperfect world: incorporating uncertainty in recruitment estimates using multi-event capture-recapture models. Ecology and Evolution 3: 4658-4668.
Desprez, M., Crivelli, A.J., Lebel I., Massez G. and O. Gimenez (2013). Demographic assessment of a stocking experiment in European Eels. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22: 412-420.
Lamy, T., O. Gimenez, J.-P. Pointier, P. Jarne and P. David (2013). Metapopulation dynamics of species with cryptic life stages. The American Naturalist 181: 479-491. Codes.
Madon, B., C. Garrigue, R. Pradel, O. Gimenez (2013). Transience in the humpback whale population of New Caledonia and implications for abundance estimation. Marine Mammal Science 29: 669-678. Codes.
Gamelon, M., J.-M. Gaillard, E. Baubet, S. Devillard, L. Say, S. Brandt & O. Gimenez (2013). The relationship between phenotypic variation among offspring and mother body mass in wild boar: Evidence of coin-flipping? Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 937-945.
Choquet, R., A. Sanz-Aguilar, B. Doligez, E. Nogué, R. Pradel, L. Gustafsson and O. Gimenez (2013). Estimating demographic parameters from capture-recapture data with dependence among individuals within clusters. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 474-482.
Péron, G., Y. Ferrand, G. Leray and O. Gimenez (2013). Waterbird demography as indicator of wetland health: The French-wintering common snipe population. Biological Conservation 164: 123-128.
Bolker, B., Gardner, B., Maunder, M., Berg, C., Brooks, M., Comita, L., Crone, E., Cubaynes, S., Davies, T., de Valpine, P., Ford, J., Gimenez, O., Kéry, M., Kim, E., Lennert-Cody, C., Magnusson, A., Martell, S., Nash, J., Nielsen, A., Regetz, J., Skaug, H., Zipkin, E. (2013). Strategies for fitting nonlinear ecological models in R, AD Model Builder, and BUGS. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 501-512. Website.
Praud, A., O. Gimenez, G. Zanella, N. Pozzi, V. Antras, L. Meyer, B. Garin-Bastuji (2013). Evaluation of five serological tests for the diagnosis of porcine brucellosis in French Polynesia. Trop Anim Health Prod 45: 933-936.S
Bellan, S., O. Gimenez, R. Choquet and W. Getz (2012). A Hierarchical Distance Sampling Approach to Estimating Mortality Rates from Opportunistic Carcass Surveillance Data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 361-369.
de Villemereuil, P., Gimenez, O., Doligez, B. (2012). Comparing parent-offspring regression with Frequentist and Bayesian animal models to estimate heritability in wild populations: a simulation study for Gaussian and binary traits. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 260-275. Codes.
Cam, E., O. Gimenez, R. Alpizar-Jara, L. M. Aubry, M. Authier, E. G. Cooch, D. N. Koons, W. A. Link, J.-Y. Monnat, J. D. Nichols, J. J. Rotella, J. A. Royle, R. Pradel (2013). Looking for a needle in a haystack: inference about individual fitness components in a heterogeneous population. Oikos 122: 739-753.
Lebreton, J.-D. and O. Gimenez (2013). Detecting and estimating density-dependence in wildlife populations. Journal of Widlife Management 77: 12-23.
Gimenez, O., Abadi, F., Barnagaud, J.-Y., Blanc, L., Buoro, M., Cubaynes, S., Desprez, M., Gamelon, M., Guilhaumon, F., Lagrange, P., Madon, B., Marescot, L., Papadatou, E., Papaïx, J., Péron, G., Servanty, S. (2013). How can quantitative ecology be attractive to young scientists? Balancing computer/desk work with field work. Animal Conservation 16: 134-136.
Bergeron, P., Montiglio, P.-O., Reale, D., Humphries, M., Gimenez, O. and D. Garant (2013). Disruptive viability selection on adult exploratory behavior in eastern chipmunks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 766-774.
Blanc, L., E. Marboutin, S. Gatti, O. Gimenez (2013). Abundance of rare and elusive species: empirical investigation of closed vs. spatially explicit capture-recapture models with Lynx as a case study. Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 372-378.
Pettex, E., S.-H. Lorentsen, D. Grémillet, O. Gimenez, R.T. Barrett, J.-B. Pons, C. Le Bohec and F. Bonadonna (2012). Multi-scale foraging variability in northern gannet (Morus bassanus) fuels potential foraging plasticity. Marine Biology 159: 2743-2756.
Bauduin, S., J. Martin, H.H. Edwards, O. Gimenez, S. Koslovsky and D. Fagan (2012). An index of risk of co-occurrence between marine mammals and watercrafts: example of the Florida manatee. Biological Conservation 159: 127-136.
Charpentier, M.J.E., Huchard, E., Widdig, A., Gimenez, O., Sallé, B., Kappelee, P. and J.P. Renoult (2012). Distribution of affiliative behavior accross kin classes and their fitness consequences in mandrills. Ethology 118: 1198-1207.
Gimenez, O., Lebreton, J.-D., Gaillard, J.-M., Choquet, R. and R. Pradel (2012). Estimating demographic parameters using hidden process dynamic models. Theoretical Population Biology 82: 307-316. Codes.
Buoro, M., E. Prévost, O. Gimenez (2012). Digging through model complexity: using hierarchical models to uncover evolutionary processes in the wild. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 2077-2090.
Hardouin, L. A., M. Nevoux, A. Robert, O. Gimenez and Y. Hingrat (2012). Determinisms and costs of natal dispersal in a lekking species. Oïkos 121: 804-812.
Gamelon, M., Gaillard, J.-M., S. Servanty, O. Gimenez, C. Toïgo, E. Baubet, F. Klein, J.-D. Lebreton (2012). Making use of harvest information to examine alternative management scenarios: a body weight-structured model for wild boar. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 833-841.
Libois, E., O. Gimenez, D. Oro, E. Mínguez, R. Pradel, A. Sanz-Aguilar (2012). Nest boxes: A successful management tool for the conservation of an endangered seabird. Biological Conservation 155: 39-43.
Abadi, F., O. Gimenez, H. Jakobere, W. Stauberf, R. Arlettaz and M. Schaub (2012). Estimating the strength of density dependence in the presence of observation errors using integrated population models. Ecological Modelling 242: 1-9.
Lebreton, J.-D., R. Choquet and O. Gimenez (2012). Simple estimation and test procedures in capture-mark-recapture mixed models. Biometrics 68: 494-503.
Cubaynes, S., C. Lavergne, E. Marboutin, and O. Gimenez (2012). Assessing individual heterogeneity using model selection criteria: How many mixture components in capture-recapture models? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 564-573. Codes.
Frank, B., O. Gimenez and P. Baret (2012). Assessing brown trout spawning movements with multistate capture-recapture models: a case study in a fully-controlled Belgian brook. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 1091-1104.
Péron, G., Y. Ferrand, F. Gossmann, C. Bastat, M. Guenezan and O. Gimenez (2012). Spatial heterogeneity in mortality and its impact on the population dynamics of Eurasian woodcocks. Population Ecology 54: 305-312.
Cubaynes, S, C. Doutrelant, A. Gregoire, P. Perret, B. Faivre, and O. Gimenez (2012). Testing hypotheses in evolutionary ecology with imperfect detection: Structural equation modeling of mark-recapture data. Ecology 93: 248-255. Codes.
Gimenez, O., T. Anker-Nilssen and V. Grosbois (2012). Exploring causal pathways in demographic parameter variation: Path analysis of mark-recapture data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 427-432. Codes.
Choquet, R. and O. Gimenez (2012). Towards built-in capture-recapture mixed models in program E-SURGE. Journal of Ornithology 152: 625-639.
Marescot, L., O. Gimenez, C. Duchamp, E. Marboutin and G. Chapron (2012). Reducing matrix population models with application to social animal species. Ecological Modelling 232: 91-96.
Papadatou, E., R. Pradel, M. Schaub, D. Dolch, H. Geiger, C. Ibañez, G. Kerth, A. Popa-Lisseanu, W. Schorcht, J. Teubner and O. Gimenez (2012). Comparing survival among species with imperfect detection using multilevel analysis of mark-recapture data: a case study on bats. Ecography 35: 153-161. Codes.
Praud, A., O. Gimenez, G. Zanella, B. Dufour, N. Pozzi, V. Antras, L. Meyer, B. Garin-Bastuji (2012). Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of five serological tests for the diagnosis of porcine brucellosis. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 104: 94-100.
Archaux, F., P.-Y. Henry and O. Gimenez (2012). When can we ignore the problem of imperfect detection in comparative studies? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 188-194. Codes.
Caniglia, R., E. Fabbri, S. Cubaynes, O. Gimenez, J.-D. Lebreton and E. Randi (2012). An improved procedure to estimate wolf abundance using non-invasive genetic sampling and capture-recapture mixture models. Conservation Genetics 13: 53-64.
Fletcher, D., Lebreton, J.-D., Marescot, L., Schaub, M., Gimenez, O., Slooten, E. and S. Dawson (2012). Bias in estimation of adult survival and asymptotic population growth rate caused by undetected capture heterogeneity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 206-216.
Buoro, M., O. Gimenez and E. Prévost (2011). Assessing adaptive phenotypic plasticity by means of conditional strategies from empirical data: The latent environmental threshold model. Evolution 66: 996-1009. Codes.
Gamelon, M., A. Besnard, J.-M. Gaillard, S. Servanty, E. Baubet, S. Brandt and O. Gimenez (2011). High hunting pressure selects for earlier birth data: Wild boar as a case study. Evolution 65: 3100-3112.
Marescot, L., Pradel, R., Duchamp, C. Cubaynes, S., Marboutin, E., Choquet, R. Miquel, C. and O. Gimenez (2011). Capture-recapture population growth rate as a robust tool against detection heterogeneity for population management. Ecological Applications 21: 2898-2907.
Péron, G., Y. Ferrand, F. Gossmann, C. Bastat, M. Guenezan and O. Gimenez (2011). Escape migration decisions in Eurasian Woodcocks: insights from survival analyses using large-scale recovery data. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 1949-1955.
Charmantier, A., M. Buoro, O. Gimenez and H. Weimerskirch (2011). Heritability of short-scale natal dispersal in a large-scale foraging bird, the wandering albatross. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1487-1496. Codes.
Desprez, M. R. Pradel, E. Cam, J.-Y. Monnat and O. Gimenez (2011). Now you see him, now you don’t: Experience, not age, is related to reproduction in Kittiwakes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278: 3060-3066.
Madon, B., O. Gimenez, B. McArdle, C. Baker and C. Garrigue (2011). A New Method For Estimating Animal Abundance with Two Sources of Data in Capture-Recapture Studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2: 390-400.
Nevoux, M., O. Gimenez, M. Nicoll, D. Arlt, C. Jones and K. Norris (2011). Population regulation of territorial species: both site-dependence and interference mechanisms matter. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278: 2173-2181.
Péron, G., Y. Ferrand, F. Gossmann, C. Bastat, M. Guenezan and O. Gimenez (2011). Nonparametric spatial regression of survival probability: visualization of population sinks in Eurasian Woodcock. Ecology 92: 1672-1679.
Servanty, S., J.-M. Gaillard, Ronchi, F., Focardi, S., Baubet E. & O. Gimenez (2011). Influence of harvesting pressure on demographic tactics: implications for wildlife management. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 835–843.
Fontaine, R., O. Gimenez and J. Bried (2011). The impact of introduced predators, light-induced mortality of fledglings and poaching on the dynamics of the Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) population from the Azores, northeastern subtropical Atlantic. Biological Conservation 144: 1998–2011.
Marzolin, G., A. Charmantier and O. Gimenez (2011). Frailty in state-space models: application to actuarial senescence in the dipper. Ecology 92: 562-567. Codes.
Cubaynes, S., P. F. Doherty Jr, E. A. Schreiber, R. W. Schreiber and O. Gimenez (2011). To breed or not to breed: seabirds response to extreme climatic events. Biology Letters 7: 303-306.
Papadatou, E. Ibáñez, C., Pradel, R. Juste, J. and O. Gimenez (2011). Assessing survival in a multi-population system: a case study on bat populations. Oecologia 165: 925-933. Codes.
Barnagaud, J.-Y., Crochet, P.-A., Magnani, Y., Bernard-Laurent, A., Menoni, E., Novoa, C. and O. Gimenez (2011). Short-term response to the North Atlantic Oscillation but no long-term effects of climate change on the reproductive success of an alpine bird. Journal of Ornithology 152: 631-641.
McCrea, R. S., B.J.T. Morgan, O. Gimenez, P. Besbeas, J.-D. Lebreton and T. Bregnballe (2010). Multi-site Integrated Population Modelling. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 15: 539-561.
Papaïx, J., S. Cubaynes, M. Buoro, A. Charmantier, P. Perret and O. Gimenez (2010). Combining capture–recapture data and pedigree information to assess heritability of demographic parameters in the wild. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2176-2184. Codes.
Servanty, S., R. Choquet, E. Baubet, S. Brandt, J.-M. Gaillard, M. Schaub, C. Toïgo, J.-D. Lebreton, M. Buoro and O. Gimenez (2010). Assessing whether mortality is additive using marked animals: a Bayesian state-space modeling approach. Ecology 91: 1916–1923. Codes.
Besnard, A., Novoa, C. and O. Gimenez (2010). Hunting impact on Pyrenean gray partridge population dynamics. Wildlife Biology 16: 135-143.
Buoro, M., Prévost, E. and O. Gimenez (2010). Investigating evolutionary trade-offs in wild populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): incorporating detection probabilities and individual heterogeneity. Evolution 64: 2629-2642.
Schaub, M. Aebischer, A. Gimenez, O., Berger, S. and R. Arlettaz (2010). Massive immigration balances high anthropogenic induced mortality in a stable eagle owl population: lessons for conservation. Biological Conservation 143: 1911–1918.
Guilhaumon, F., Mouillot, D. and O. Gimenez (2010). mmSAR: an R-package for multimodel species-area relationship inference. Ecography 33: 420-424.
Péron, G. Gimenez, O., Charmantier, A., Gaillard, J.-M. and P.-A. Crochet (2010). Age at the onset of senescence in birds and mammals is predicted by early-life performance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277: 2849–2856.
Gimenez, O. and R. Choquet (2010). Incorporating individual heterogeneity in studies on marked animals using numerical integration: capture-recapture mixed models. Ecology 91: 951-957.
Péron, G., Crochet, P.A.C., Choquet, R., Pradel, R., Lebreton, J.-D. and O. Gimenez. (2010). Capture-recapture models with heterogeneity to study survival senescence in the wild. Oïkos 119: 524-532. Appendix.
Cubaynes, S. Pradel, R. Choquet, R. Duchamp, C. Gaillard, J.-M., Lebreton, J.-D., Marboutin, E., Miquel, C., Reboulet, A.-M., Poillot, C., Taberlet, P. and O. Gimenez. (2010). Importance of accounting for detection heterogeneity when estimating abundance: the case of French wolves. Conservation Biology 24: 621-626.
Abadi, F., Gimenez, O., Arlettaz, R. and M. Schaub (2010). An assessment of integrated population models: bias, accuracy, and violation of the assumption of independence. Ecology 91: 7-14.
Abadi, F., Gimenez, O., Ullrich, B., Arlettaz, R. and M. Schaub (2010). Estimation of immigration rate using integrated population models. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 393-400.
Mihoub, J.-B., Gimenez, O., Pilard, P. and F. Sarrazin (2010). Challenging conservation of migratory species: Sahelian rainfalls drive first-year survival of the vulnerable Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. Biological Conservation 143: 839-847.
Gimenez, O., Grégoire, A. and T. Lenormand (2009). Estimating and visualizing fitness surfaces using mark-recapture data. Evolution 63: 3097-3105. Codes.
Choquet, R., Lebreton, J.-D., Gimenez, O., Reboulet, A.-M., and R. Pradel. (2009). U-CARE: Utilities for performing goodness of fit tests and manipulating CApture-REcapture data. Ecography 32: 1071-1074.
Kazakou, E., Violle, C, Roumet, C., Pintor, C., Gimenez, O. and E. Garnier. (2009). Litter quality and decomposability of species from a Mediterranean succession depend on leaf traits but not on nitrogen supply. Annals of Botany 104: 1151-1161.
Grosbois, V., Harris, M. P., Anker-Nilssen, T., McCleery, R. H., Shaw, D. N., Morgan, B.J.T. and O. Gimenez (2009). Modeling survival at multi-population scales using mark-recapture data. Ecology 90: 2922-2932. Codes.
Guilhaumon, F., O. Gimenez, K. J. Gaston, and D. Mouillot (2008). Reply to Bode and Murdoch: A proper integration of species-area relationship uncertainties into return on investment analyses is needed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: E13.
Bischof, R., J. E. Swenson, N. G. Yoccoz, A. Mysterud, and O. Gimenez (2009). The magnitude and selectivity of natural and multiple anthopogenic mortality causes in hunted brown bears. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 656-665.
Mennerat, A., P. Perret, P. Bourgault, J. Blondel, O. Gimenez, D. W. Thomas, P. Heeb, M. M. Lambrechts (2009). Aromatic plants in nests of blue tits: positive effects on nestlings. Animal Behaviour 77: 569–574.
Gimenez, O., S. Bonner, R. King, R. A. Parker, S.P. Brooks, L. E. Jamieson, V. Grosbois, B. J. T. Morgan, and L. Thomas (2009). WinBUGS for Population Ecologists: Bayesian Modeling Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods. In Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Thomson, D. L.; Cooch, E. G.; Conroy, M. J. (Eds.). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Vol. 3, pages 883-915. Codes.
Gimenez, O., Morgan, B.J.T. and S.P. Brooks (2009). Weak Identifiability in Models for Mark-Recapture-Recovery Data. In Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Thomson, D. L.; Cooch, E. G.; Conroy, M. J. (Eds.). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Vol. 3, pages 1055-1067. Codes.
Gimenez, O. and C. Barbraud (2009). The Efficient Semiparametric Regression Modeling of Capture-Recapture Data: Assessing the Impact of Climate on Survival of Two Antarctic Seabird Species. In Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Thomson, D. L.; Cooch, E. G.; Conroy, M. J. (Eds.). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Vol. 3, pages 43-58.
Borysiewicz, R.S., B.J.T. Morgan, V. Hénaux, T. Bregnballe, J-D. Lebreton, and O. Gimenez (2009). An Integrated Analysis of Multisite Recruitment, Mark-Recapture- Recovery and Multisite Census Data. In Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations. Thomson, D. L.; Cooch, E. G.; Conroy, M. J. (Eds.). Springer Series: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Vol. 3, pages 579-591.
Guilhaumon, F. O. Gimenez, K. J. Gaston, and D. Mouillot (2008). Taxonomic & regional uncertainty in species-area relationships and the identification of richness hotspots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 15458–15463.
Gimenez, O., A. Viallefont, A. Charmantier, R. Pradel, E. Cam, C. R. Brown, M. D. Anderson, M. Bomberger Brown, R. Covas, J.-M. Gaillard (2008). The risk of flawed inference in evolutionary studies when detectability is less than one. The American Naturalist 172: 441–448.
Gimenez,O. (2008). Discussion: Towards a Bayesian analysis template? The Canadian Journal of Statistics 36: 21-24.
Grosbois V., Gimenez O., Gaillard, J.-M., Pradel, R., Barbraud, C., Clobert, J., Møller, A. P. and H. Weimerskirch (2008). Assessing the impact of climate variation on survival in vertebrate populations. Biological Reviews 83: 357-399.
Pradel, R., L. Maurin-Bernier, O. Gimenez, M. Genovart, R. Choquet, and D. Oro (2008). Estimation of sex-specific survival with uncertainty in sex assessment. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 36: 29-42.
Charpentier, M.J.E., F. Prugnolle, O. Gimenez and A. Widdig (2008). Genetic heterozygosity and sociality in a primate species. Behavior Genetics 38: 151-158.
Ghimire, S., Gimenez, O., Pradel, R., McKey, D., and Y. Aumeeruddy-Thomas (2008). Demographic variation and population viability in a threatened Himalayan medicinal and aromatic herb (Nardostachys grandiflora): matrix modelling of harvesting effects in two contrasting habitats. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 41-51.
Véran, S., Gimenez, O., Flint, E., Kendall, B., Doherty, P., and J.-D. Lebreton (2007). Quantifying the impact of longline fisheries on adult survival in the Black-footed Albatross. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 942–952.
Gimenez, O., V. Rossi, R. Choquet, C. Dehais, B. Doris, H. Varella, J.-P. Vila and R. Pradel (2007). State-space modelling of data on marked individuals. Ecological Modelling 206: 431-438. Codes.
Schaub, M., Gimenez, O., Sierro, A. and R. Arlettaz (2007). Use of Integrated Modeling to Enhance Estimates of Population Dynamics Obtained from Limited Data. Conservation Biology 21: 945–955. Codes.
Kazakou, E., E. Garnier and Gimenez, O. (2007). Contribution of leaf lifespan and nutrient resorption to mean residence time: an elasticity analysis. Ecology 88: 1857-1863.
Pinay, G., B. Gumiero, E. Tabacchi, O. Gimenez, A.M. Tabacchi-Planty, M.M. Hefting, T.P. Burt, V.A. Black, C. Nilsson, V. Iordache, F. Bureau, L. Vought, G.E. Petts and H. Décamps. (2007). Patterns of denitrification rates in European alluvial soils under various hydrological regimes. Freshwater Biology 52: 252–266.
Gimenez O., C. Crainiceanu, C. Barbraud, S. Jenouvrier and B.J.T. Morgan. (2006). Semiparametric regression in capture-recapture modelling. Biometrics 62: 691-698. Codes.
Gimenez, O., R. Covas, C. R. Brown, M. D. Anderson, M. Bomberger Brown and T. Lenormand. (2006). Nonparametric estimation of natural selection on a quantitative trait using mark-recapture data. Evolution 60: 460-466. Codes.
Charpentier M., Peignot P., Hossaert-McKey M., Gimenez O., Setchell J. and E.J. Wickings (2005). Constraints on control: factors influencing reproductive success in male mandrils (Mandrillus sphinx). Behavioral Ecology 16: 614-623.
Do F.C., Goudiaby V.A., Gimenez O., Diagne A.L., Diouf M., Rocheteau A., Akpo L.E. (2005) Environmental influence on canopy phenology in the dry tropics Forest Ecology and Management 215: 319-328.
Gimenez O., Choquet R., Lamor L., Scofield P., Fletcher D., J.-D. Lebreton and R. Pradel (2005). Efficient Profile-Likelihood Confidence Intervals for Capture-Recapture Models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 10: 184-196.
Pradel, R., Gimenez O. and J.-D. Lebreton (2005). Principles and interest of GOF tests for multistate capture-recapture models. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 189–204.
Ancrenaz M., Gimenez O., Ambu L., Ancrenaz K., Andau P., Goossens B., Payne J., Tuuga A. and I. Lackman- Ancrenaz (2005). Aerial Survey Gives New Estimates for Orang-utans in Sabah, Malaysia. Plos Biology 3: 30-37.
Gimenez O., Viallefont A., Choquet R., Catchpole E.A. and B.J.T. Morgan (2004). Methods for investigating parameter redundancy. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 561-572.
Choquet R., Reboulet A.-M., Pradel R., Gimenez O. and J.-D. Lebreton (2004). M-SURGE: new software specically designed for multistate capture-recapture models. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 207-215.
Schaub M., Gimenez O., Schmidt B.R. and R. Pradel (2004). Estimating survival and temporary emigration in the multistate capture-recapture framework. Ecology 85: 2107-2113. Codes.
Ancrenaz M., Goossens B., Gimenez O., Sawang A. and I. Lackman-Ancrenaz (2004). Determination of ape distribution and population size using ground and aerial surveys: a case study with orang-utans in lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. Animal Conservation 7: 375-385.
Charpentier M., Hossaert-McKey M., Peignot P., Gimenez O., Setchell J.M. and E.J. Wickings (2004). Social factors and male reproductive success in a highly sexually dimorphic primate: Paternity analysis over a 20 year period in a group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). Folia Primatologica 75: 244-245.
Gimenez O., Choquet R. and J.-D. Lebreton (2003). Parameter redundancy in multistate capture-recapture models. Biometrical Journal 45: 704-722. Codes.
Pradel R., Wintrebert C.M.A. and Gimenez O. (2003). A proposal for a goodness-of-fit test to the Arnason-Schwarz multisite capture-recapture model. Biometrics 59: 43-53.
Besnard A., Gimenez O. and J.-D. Lebreton (2002). A model for the evolution of creching behaviour in gulls. Evolutionary Ecology 16: 489-503.