Books and book chapters

Peyrard N. and Gimenez O. (2022). Statistical Approaches for Hidden Variables in Ecology. La version française est ici.
Newman, K.B., S.T. Buckland, B.J.T. Morgan, R. King, D.L. Borchers, D.J. Cole, P. Besbeas, O. Gimenez and L. Thomas (2014). Modelling Population Dynamics - Model Formulation, Fitting and Assessment using State-Space Methods.
King, R., B.J.T. Morgan, O. Gimenez, S.P. Brooks (2009). Bayesian Analysis of Population Ecology.
Morrissey, M.B., P. de Villemereuil, B. Doligez, O. Gimenez (2014). Bayesian approaches to the quantitative genetic analysis of natural populations. In Quantitative Genetics in the Wild, Editors: A. Charmantier, D. Garant, and L.E.B. Kruuk. Oxford University Press, pages 228-253.
Grosbois V. and O. Gimenez (2010). Capture-mark-recapture models. In Effects of Climate Change on Birds, Editors: A.P. Moller, W. Fiedler and P. Berthold, Oxford University Press, pages 39-46.
Lebreton, J.-D., E. Klein, O. Gimenez and F. Rousset (2010). Statistiques pour la biologie évolutive. Dans Biologie Evolutive, Editeurs: Thomas F, Lefèvre T & Raymond M. De Boeck Editions, pages 33-48.
Rouan L., S. Cubaynes, C. Duchamp, C. Miquel, A.-.M. Reboulet, O. Gimenez, J.-D. Lebreton, R. Choquet and R. Pradel (2010). Modèles de mélange en capture-recapture. Dans Modèles à variables latentes et modèles de mélange, Editeurs: G. Saporta, J.J. Droesbeke and C. Thomas-Agnan, Editions Technip, pages 265-272.
Statistics, ecology & social sciences

I’m a scientist working at the interface of animal ecology, statistical modeling and social sciences.