
Run OpenBUGS on a Mac

I had to use the good old `OpenBUGS` for some analyses that cannot be done in `JAGS`. Below are the steps to install `OpenBUGS` then to run it from your Mac either natively or from `R`. This tutorial is an adaptation of [this post]( and [that one](

Simulating data with JAGS

Here, I illustrate the possibility to use `JAGS` to simulate data with two examples that might be of interest to population ecologists: first a linear regression, second a Cormack-Jolly-Seber capture-recapture model to estimate animal survival (formulated as a state-space model). The code is available from [GitHub](

Analysing the social Star Wars network in The Attack of the Clones with R

This is a free adaptation of two (very) clever analyses made by others: The Star Wars Social Network by Evelina Gabasov in which program F# was mostly used to analyse the Star wars social networks