Running OpenBUGS in parallel

Well, first you’ll need to install OpenBUGS
(if you’re on a Mac, check out
this short tutorial). Then, you’ll need to run OpenBUGS
from R
through the pacage R2OpenBUGS
, which you can install via:
if(!require(R2OpenBUGS)) install.packages("R2OpenBUGS")
## Loading required package: R2OpenBUGS
Standard analysis
Now let’s run the classical BUGS
Load the OpenBUGS
Load the data
Define the model, write it to a text file and have a look
nummodel <- function(){
for (j in 1:J){
y[j] ~ dnorm (theta[j], tau.y[j])
theta[j] ~ dnorm (mu.theta, tau.theta)
tau.y[j] <- pow(sigma.y[j], -2)}
mu.theta ~ dnorm (0.0, 1.0E-6)
tau.theta <- pow(sigma.theta, -2)
sigma.theta ~ dunif (0, 1000)
write.model(nummodel, "nummodel.txt")
model.file1 = paste(getwd(),"nummodel.txt", sep="/")"nummodel.txt")
Prepare the data for input into OpenBUGS
J <- nrow(schools)
y <- schools$estimate
sigma.y <- schools$sd
data <- list ("J", "y", "sigma.y")
Initialization of variables
inits <- function(){
list(theta = rnorm(J, 0, 100), mu.theta = rnorm(1, 0, 100), sigma.theta = runif(1, 0, 100))}
Set the Wine
working directory and the directory to OpenBUGS
, and change the OpenBUGS.exe location as necessary:
The are the parameters to save
parameters = c("theta", "mu.theta", "sigma.theta")
Run the model
ptm <- proc.time()
schools.sim <- bugs(data, inits, model.file = model.file1,parameters=parameters,n.chains = 2, n.iter = 500000, n.burnin = 10000, OpenBUGS.pgm=OpenBUGS.pgm, WINE=WINE, WINEPATH=WINEPATH,useWINE=T)
elapsed_time <- proc.time() - ptm
## user system elapsed
## 50.835 2.053 55.010
## Inference for Bugs model at "/Users/oliviergimenez/Desktop/nummodel.txt",
## Current: 2 chains, each with 5e+05 iterations (first 10000 discarded)
## Cumulative: n.sims = 980000 iterations saved
## mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff
## theta[1] 11.6 8.4 -1.9 6.1 10.5 15.8 32.0 1 370000
## theta[2] 8.0 6.4 -4.8 4.0 8.0 12.0 20.9 1 67000
## theta[3] 6.4 7.8 -11.3 2.2 6.8 11.2 20.9 1 55000
## theta[4] 7.7 6.6 -5.7 3.7 7.8 11.8 20.9 1 70000
## theta[5] 5.5 6.5 -8.8 1.6 5.9 9.8 17.1 1 26000
## theta[6] 6.2 6.9 -8.9 2.3 6.6 10.7 18.9 1 23000
## theta[7] 10.7 6.9 -1.4 6.0 10.1 14.7 26.2 1 480000
## theta[8] 8.7 7.9 -6.8 4.0 8.4 13.0 25.7 1 76000
## mu.theta 8.1 5.3 -2.0 4.7 8.1 11.4 18.5 1 30000
## sigma.theta 6.6 5.7 0.2 2.5 5.2 9.1 20.9 1 12000
## deviance 60.5 2.2 57.0 59.1 60.1 61.4 66.0 1 980000
## For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
## DIC info (using the rule, pD = Dbar-Dhat)
## pD = 2.8 and DIC = 63.2
## DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
Parallel computations
To run several chains in parallel, we’ll follow the steps described in this nice post.
# loading packages
# setting the number of CPUs to be 2
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2)
## Warning in searchCommandline(parallel, cpus = cpus, type
## = type, socketHosts = socketHosts, : Unknown option on
## commandline: rmarkdown::render('/Users/oliviergimenez/Desktop/
## run_openbugs_in_parallel.Rmd',~+~~+~encoding~+~
## R Version: R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
## snowfall 1.84-6.1 initialized (using snow 0.4-2): parallel execution on 2 CPUs.
# and assigning the R2OpenBUGS library to each CPU
## Library R2OpenBUGS loaded.
## Library R2OpenBUGS loaded in cluster.
# create list of data
J <- nrow(schools)
y <- schools$estimate
sigma.y <- schools$sd <- list (J=J, y=y, sigma.y=sigma.y)
# creating separate directory for each CPU process
folder1 <- paste(getwd(), "/chain1", sep="")
folder2 <- paste(getwd(), "/chain2", sep="")
dir.create(folder1); dir.create(folder2);
# sinking the model into a file in each directory
for (folder in c(folder1, folder2))
sink(paste(folder, "/nummodel.txt", sep=""))
for (j in 1:J){
y[j] ~ dnorm (theta[j], tau.y[j])
theta[j] ~ dnorm (mu.theta, tau.theta)
tau.y[j] <- pow(sigma.y[j], -2)}
mu.theta ~ dnorm (0.0, 1.0E-6)
tau.theta <- pow(sigma.theta, -2)
sigma.theta ~ dunif (0, 1000)
# defining the function that will run MCMC on each CPU
# Arguments:
# chain - will be 1 or 2
# - the data list
# params - parameters to be monitored
parallel.bugs <- function(chain,, params)
# a. defining directory for each CPU
sub.folder <- paste(getwd(),"/chain", chain, sep="")
# b. specifying the initial MCMC values
inits <- function()list(theta = rnorm($J, 0, 100), mu.theta = rnorm(1, 0, 100), sigma.theta = runif(1, 0, 100))
# c. calling OpenBugs
# (you may need to change the OpenBUGS.pgm directory)
# je suis sous Mac, je fais tourner OpenBUGS via Wine
bugs(, inits=inits,,
n.iter = 500000, n.burnin = 10000, n.chains=1,
model.file="nummodel.txt", debug=FALSE, codaPkg=TRUE,
useWINE=TRUE, OpenBUGS.pgm = "/Applications/OpenBUGS323/OpenBUGS.exe", = sub.folder,
# setting the parameters to be monitored
params <- c("theta", "mu.theta", "sigma.theta")
# calling the sfLapply function that will run
# parallel.bugs on each of the 2 CPUs
ptm <- proc.time()
sfLapply(1:2, fun=parallel.bugs,, params=params)
## [[1]]
## [1] "/Users/oliviergimenez/Desktop/chain1/CODAchain1.txt"
## [[2]]
## [1] "/Users/oliviergimenez/Desktop/chain2/CODAchain1.txt"
elapsed_time = proc.time() - ptm
## user system elapsed
## 0.013 0.000 32.157
# locating position of each CODA chain
chain1 <- paste(folder1, "/CODAchain1.txt", sep="")
chain2 <- paste(folder2, "/CODAchain1.txt", sep="")
# and, finally, getting the results
res <- read.bugs(c(chain1, chain2))
## Abstracting deviance ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting mu.theta ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting sigma.theta ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[1] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[2] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[3] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[4] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[5] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[6] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[7] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[8] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting deviance ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting mu.theta ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting sigma.theta ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[1] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[2] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[3] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[4] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[5] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[6] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[7] ... 490000 valid values
## Abstracting theta[8] ... 490000 valid values
## Iterations = 10001:5e+05
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 2
## Sample size per chain = 490000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## deviance 60.453 2.221 0.002243 0.005737
## mu.theta 8.109 5.261 0.005315 0.020596
## sigma.theta 6.610 5.682 0.005740 0.027336
## theta[1] 11.697 8.407 0.008493 0.027974
## theta[2] 8.023 6.395 0.006460 0.019264
## theta[3] 6.365 7.866 0.007946 0.022485
## theta[4] 7.735 6.601 0.006668 0.019766
## theta[5] 5.467 6.504 0.006570 0.022580
## theta[6] 6.234 6.885 0.006955 0.021332
## theta[7] 10.727 6.891 0.006961 0.023304
## theta[8] 8.648 7.892 0.007972 0.021541
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## deviance 57.0200 59.120 60.040 61.430 65.99
## mu.theta -2.0600 4.784 8.066 11.410 18.50
## sigma.theta 0.2275 2.456 5.275 9.190 20.82
## theta[1] -1.8850 6.195 10.560 15.880 32.04
## theta[2] -4.8350 4.049 8.004 11.980 20.96
## theta[3] -11.4800 2.194 6.871 11.170 20.90
## theta[4] -5.7500 3.711 7.784 11.820 20.92
## theta[5] -8.8490 1.603 5.938 9.834 17.14
## theta[6] -8.8940 2.255 6.632 10.680 18.95
## theta[7] -1.3450 6.125 10.140 14.680 26.27
## theta[8] -6.8910 4.037 8.409 12.960 25.72