Why a career in statistical ecology?

I have been interviewed recently by Lise Viollat who’s preparing a documentary for our national research group in statistical ecology. I have written my two cents answers to her challenging and very relevant questions. Thank you Lise for the interview !

Pourquoi une carrière en écologie statistique?

Dans le cadre d’un documentaire que réalise Lise Viollat, celle-ci m’a posé des questions sur mon parcours en recherche, et en écologie statistique. Je reproduis mes réponses ici. Merci Lise pour l’entretien !

Draft chapter on Bayes stats and MCMC in R

I have a draft chapter on Bayes stats and MCMC at https://oliviergimenez.github.io/banana-book/crashcourse.html I’d love your feedback about what is confusing and what is missing 😇 #rstats

Bayesian analysis of capture-recapture data with hidden Markov models - Theory and case studies in R

So, I’m writing a book 🤯 It’'’s called “Bayesian analysis of capture-recapture data with hidden Markov models - Theory and case studies in R”.

Experimenting with machine learning in R with tidymodels and the Kaggle titanic dataset

I would like to familiarize myself with machine learning (ML) techniques in R. So I have been reading and learning by doing. I thought I’d share my experience for others who’d like to give it a try1.

Quick and dirty analysis of a Twitter social network

I use R to retrieve some data from Twitter, do some exploratory data analysis and visualisation and examine a network of followers.

A review of the capture-recapture literature over the last decade

Our poster with Ruth King and Rachel McCrea for the 2021 Euring conference.

Journée de restitution du projet ERC Lynx

Journée de restitution sur notre projet ERC-Lynx.