Introductory workshop on Nimble

📢🥳 With @MaudQueroue and @ValentinLauret we gave a short introduction to nimble @R_nimble nimble is a #rstats 📦 to fit models in the Bayesian framework w/ MCMC, it's also a programming environment for using/coding fns/distns/samplers

New paper on trade-offs between Deep Learning for species id inference on predator-prey co-occurrence

A pleasure to work w/ #ComputoJournal @Computo85445972 for our paper on trade-offs bw #DeepLearning for species id & inference on predator-prey co-occurrence, which comes w/ a reproducible R workflow 😇 #ReproducibleResearch #RStats 🧵⬇️ https://t.

New paper on wolf depredation hotspots in France

Aaaaaaand it's out 🤩🥳🐺🇫🇷 Awesome paper led by @oksanagrente "Wolf depredation hotspots in France: Clustering analyses adjusting for livestock availability" w/ @OFBiodiversite Free PDF ➡️ @CNRS_OccitaniE @umontpellier — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) February 25, 2022

My Open Access score

With advice by @fxcoudert and the help & patience of the @hal_fr folks, I ↗️ my #OpenAccess score 66% ➡️ 90% 🤩 I felt like a paleontologist digging up fossils, uploading the accepted or non-formated version of papers to public archives #OpenAccess https://t.

Introduction aux statistiques bayésiennes avec R

Je fais une introduction aux statistiques bayésiennes avec R les 11-12 avril pour les doctorantes et doctorants @umontpellier du @CollegeDoctoUM 😇 Inscription ➡️ Diapos & vidéos ➡️ #rstats pic.

New early career researchers in the team!

🤩😇 This year I am going to learn a lot working closely with amazing young researchers - I'm on ☁️9⃣ 🥳 Short intro below 🧵 Give them a follow to stay up-to-date w/ their research (1/7)#ResearchIsLife @cefemontpellier @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier @twitthair1 pic.

Thèse et santé mentale

Faire une thèse est en général une expérience enrichissante pendant laquelle on apprend des tas de choses en recherche et sur soi-même. On interagit avec des gens géniaux. Mais c'est aussi trop souvent une expérience traumatisante.

Binary image classification using Keras in R: Using CT scans to predict patients with Covid

Here I illustrate how to train a CNN with Keras in R to predict from patients’ CT scans those who will develop severe illness from Covid.

Looking back to 2021

Looking back to 2021, I don't feel like emphasizing papers or projects. I guess this crazy period has reminded us of the importance of human relationships. Science is made by people, but people are not just scientists.

My two cents on Open Science

Under the kind influence of @FredBarraquand & @TiagoALOMarques, I have been thinking lately about #OpenAccess and #OpenScience. Access to science should be free. Period. My two cents. ⬇️🧵 1/11 #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter pic.