Workshop on estimating occupancy in R

I just run a 3h workshop on estimating occupancy in R w/ wolf as a case study 🐺🗺️ 🌍 Website w/ slides, R code and data 📽️ Video recording (in English w/ 👽 accent) https://t.

Annuaire du Réseau Thématique en écologie statistique

Le Réseau Thématique en écologie statistique propose un annuaire des labos/pers en #ecostat Que vous soyez à la recherche d'un labo pour un stage, d'une pers avec une compétence, ou pour vous faire une idée des contours de notre communauté, visitez https://t.

Euring 2023

Last week we had the pleasure to host the #euring2023 conf 🤩 Awesome pple, amazing science, sun & good food 😇 Hope everyone enjoyed it 💜 Video recordings of talks & workshops freely available at https://t.

Reportage France 3 sur notre projet loutre OtterConnect

Jetez un coup d’oeil à 😇🥳 Super reportage @F3OccitanieLR sur notre projet loutre OtterConnect avec Vincent Sablain #EPTBLez 🦦💩📸🧬 Soutenu par @montpellier_ @Montpellier3m @umontpellier @zoobeauval @cefemontpellier ▶️ 8'36'' https://t.

déprédations par le loup et contrôle létal

Oksana Grente @oksanagrente a fait sa thèse sur les déprédations par le loup et le contrôle létal 🐺🐑 Pour porter ses résultats à connaissance de toutes et tous, elle a écrit cet article https://t.

A new project on the Eurasian otter and connectivity

I’m starting a new project on the Eurasian otter to better understand its recolonization in France.

How to assess landscape connectivity with spatial capture-recapture models?

How to assess landscape connectivity with spatial capture-recapture models? @oSCR_package to the rescue ! Some code to reproduce results from a great paper by Dana Morin @Fuller_Lab @andyroyle_pwrc & @chrissuthy Post: https://t.

Workshop on quantitative methods for population dynamics in R

📢👋 Together with @SarahCubaynes & @abesnardEPHE we will give a 2-day introductory workshop June 1-2 on quantitative methods for population dynamics in R #rstats Join us 🥳 It's online and free of charge 😉 You just need to register via https://t.

VIBASS and Bayesian capture-recapture workshop

Ey! VIBASS 6 is announced online now 🗓️ July 10-14 2023 🚩Faculty of Mathematics @FMatemaUV_EG, Valencia, Spain Be aware that the registration would start really really soon and we just have few spots.

Maëlis Kervellec's first PhD paper!

Check it out, this is a cool ++++ paper by @MaelisKervellec 🤩🤩 So glad for her that she got her first PhD paper published #OpenAccess @OFBiodiversite @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier @twitthair1 @cefemontpellier https://t.