
March 20, 2025. 1-day workshop Introduction to Bayesian statistics with R and Nimble.

July 12-13, 2023. Workshop on Bayesian capture-recapture inference with hidden Markov models in R and Nimble for the València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School. Slides, worksheets and video recordings freely available from dedicated website.

June 1-2, 2023. Quantitative methods for population dynamics: A two-day workshop with R. All material available from dedicated website.

May 16, 2023. Workshop on estimating (wolf) occupancy with R for the Wolves Across Borders conference. All material available from dedicated website.

June 26, 2022. Workshop on Bayesian capture-recapture inference with hidden Markov models, R and Nimble for the ISEC2022 conference. All material available from dedicated website.

March 21-22, 2022. Quantitative methods for population dynamics: A two-day workshop with R. All material available from dedicated website.

March 19, 2022. Workshop on NIMBLE. All material available from dedicated website.

June 21-22, 2021. Workshop on individual-based models with R. All material available from dedicated website.

May 17-18, 2021. Workshop on Bayesian capture-recapture inference with hidden Markov models in R and Nimble. Slides, worksheets and video recordings freely available from dedicated website.

March 22-26, 2021. Bayesian statistics with R for non-stats PhD students. Slides and videos here.

March 18, 2021. Workshop on reproducible science in R and RStudio. Remotely via Zoom. Slides and videos here.

November 23-27, 2020. Integrated population models. Remotely via Zoom. Slides and videos on capture-recapture models here.

November 2020. Bonnes pratiques pour une recherche reproductible en écologie numérique. Montpellier, France.

October 2020. Statistics for ecologists Master course.

July 2020. Bayesian statistics with R and Jags. Remotely via Zoom.

Décembre 2019. Bonnes pratiques pour une recherche reproductible en écologie numérique. Montpellier, France.

2010-2018. Multievent capture-recapture models. Montpellier, France.

Statistics, ecology & social sciences

I’m a scientist working at the interface of animal ecology, statistical modeling and social sciences.