Conférence grand public au Gazette Café organisée par l’association “Addict aux Sciences”" : « Au fil de l’eau du Lez : à la découverte de la loutre d’Europe sur la métropole de Montpellier ». 21 janvier 2025. La présentation est disponible ici.
Conférence grand public dans le cadre des 8 jours de la biodiversité organisés par l’inter-assos ARBORESCENCE : « Au fil de l’eau du Lez : à la découverte de la loutre d’Europe sur la métropole de Montpellier ». 29 février 2024. La présentation est disponible ici.
Loutre, Lez, connectivité écologique et médiation scientifique. December 2023. Talk at a meeting between Montpellier city/metropolis and our lab. You can download the slides here and video recording there in French.
Tour d’horizon des modèles et de leurs applications. November 2023. Talk a conference co-organised by Cerema, OFB, and centre de ressources TVB et ITTECOP. You can download the slides here in French.
Statistical ecology, hidden Markov models and the management of large carnivores in Europe. June 28, 2022. Plenary talk for the ISEC2022 conference. You can download the slides and video recording in English.
Deep learning, false negatives/positives and predator-prey interactions: Peregrinations in R. March 31, 2021. Slides (F = full screen and P = transcript) and video recording in English. All material here. Rencontres R.
Deep learning, false negatives/positives and predator-prey interactions: Peregrinations in R. March 31, 2021. Slides here (F = full screen and P = transcript) and material there. Video in French. Journées Labex Montpellier.
Large carnivores and statistical ecology. Seminar in Lisbon (remotely) Dec 2020. Video and slides.
First steps in Deep Learning - Species identification and camera traps. Speed talk at imaginecology. November 16-17, 2020, Lyon. Video, slides and workflow.
Flexible spatio-temporal modelling of occupancy using GAMs: A case study with large carnivores. Speed talk at ISEC. 2020, virtual Sydney Australia. Video and slides.
Grands carnivores et écologie statistique. Séminaire grand public 2020, Rennes France. Vidéo et diapos.
Modélisation spatio-temporelle de l’aire d’occupation : le cas des grands carnivores en France. Annual meeting of the French network in Statistical ecology. 2020, Rennes France. Slides.
A review of research in capture-recapture: Ecological questions and methods. Wildlife Research and Conservation. 2019, Berlin Germany. Slides, video and material.
Le projet INTERACT : Interactions entre dauphins et activités humaines sur le littoral méditerranéen français. Rencontres humains - cétacés. 2019, Nice France. Diapos et vidéos.
Inferring animal social networks with imperfect detection. World Marine Mammal Conference. 2019, Barcelona Spain. Slides.
Variable selection in capture-recapture models using the Lasso. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2018, St Andrews Scotland. Slides.
Humains, cétacés et recherche académique. Rencontres sur les Interactions entre Humains et Cétacés. 2018, Marseille France. Diapos et vidéo.
Le loup dans la presse : approche interdisciplinaire. Séminaire linguistique et écologie. 2018, Montpellier France. Diapos.
Tenter l’interdisciplinarité dans le cadre d’une thèse sur les conflits humains-ours. Séminaire interdisciplinarité écologie – SHS. 2017, Grenoble France. Diapos et vidéo.
Dealing with many correlated covariates in capture-recapture models. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2016, Seattle USA. Slides.
Conservation and management of large carnivores in France: A beneficial collaboration between ONCFS practitioners and CNRS researchers. International Conference of Ecological Sciences. 2016, Marseille France. Slides.
Abundance of bottlenose dolphins along the French Mediterranean coast. International workshop on Bottlenose dolphin conservation and monitoring in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. 2015, Marseille France. Slides here and there.
Making sense of citizen science data: A review of methods. International Congress for Conservation Biology. 2014, Montpellier France. Slides.
Hidden Markov modelling of occupancy data. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2014, Montpellier France. Slides.
All equal, really? Individual variability in capture-recapture models from biological and methodological perspectives. EURING analytical meeting. 2013, Athens USA. Slides.
Estimating fitness in the wild. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2012, Oslo Norway. Slides.
Assessing Inter-population Variation in Survival Using Mark-Recapture Data. Seminar at French National Museum of Natural History. 2011, Paris France. Slides.
Des modèles de capture-recapture pour l’écologie évolutive. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. 2010, Montpellier France. Diapos et manuscript.
Combining longitudinal data and pedigree information to assess heritability of survival. 2009, Pescara Italy. Slides.
Importance of accounting for detection heterogeneity when estimating abundance: the case of French wolves (Canis lupus). Seminar. 2009, Berkeley USA. Slides.
Individual heterogeneity in mortality for incomplete longitudinal data. Workshop in Biodemography. 2009, Stanford USA. Slides.
Path analysis and structural equation modeling of mark-recapture data. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2008, St Andrews Scotland. Slides.
Nonparametric estimation of survival using penalized splines: Applications in ecology and evolution. EURING analytical meeting 2007 Dunedin New Zealand, International Biometric Conference 2008 Dublin Ireland, Conference of the French Society for Biometry 2005 Paris France. Slides.
Investigating Parameter-Redundancy by Yourself 2003, Radolfzell Germany. Slides.
Estimation, inference and goodness-of-fit tests for multistate capture-recapture models. PhD defense. 2003, Montpellier France. Slides and manuscript.