
Visit to the IZW Leibniz Institute, Berlin

I spent 3 days in Berlin at the [Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research]( catching up with friends and colleagues (L. Marescot, S. Benhaim, S. Kramer-Schadt, A. Courtiol, H. Hofer).

Visiting Tromso, polar bear demography

My post-doc Sarah Cubaynes and I went to visit our colleague Jon Aars in Tromso, Norway. We are working together on the demography of polar bears using an amazing dataset the Norwegian Polar Institute has been collecting for decades.

Dolphins, gulf of Corinth, Greece

We visited our colleagues from Dolphin Biology and Conservation (Giovanni Bearzi, Silvia Bonizzoni, Nina Santostasi ‎and‎‎ Eva Greene). Lots of discussions on future projects about the estimation of striped, bottlenose and common dolphins abundance, their distribution in the gulf of Corinth (Greece) and their interactions with fishermen.