
5th French conference on Statistical Ecology (thread)

Wow, the 5th conference of our 🇫🇷 group in #StatisticalEcology is open in the beautiful city of #Avignon @UnivAvignon #GdREcoStat - Check out the program ▶️ — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) 13 mai 2019

Calculate the standard error of any function using the delta method

In statistical ecology, we often need to calculate the sampling variance of a function of an estimate of which we do know the sampling variance. I keep forgetting how to implement the so-called delta method in R that allows to get an approximation of this quantity. So in this post I go through two examples in population ecology that should help me remembering. I use the deltamethod function from the msm package.

4th meeting of the GDR EcoStat

We had fun 😉 — Olivier Gimenez 🚸 (@oaggimenez) 7octobre 2018

ISEC 2018 tweets analysis

Following @JamesGrecian's tracks (who helped me to get the tweets), I did some analyses of the #isec2018 tweets largely inspired (if not copy and pasted) by previous analyses from @brenborbon, @_ColinFay and @bryangoodrich - Data & #rstats codes https://t.

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (4/4) - Lucile Marescot

And nooooooow, ladies and gentlemen, @LMarescot presents her work on multispecies occupancy models to infer poaching #ISEC2018 @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS #teamboulet @WWF @SMARTCnsvTools — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 5et 2018

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (3/4) - Nina Santostasi

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now, ladies and gentlemen, @NSantostasi on stage to present her work on estimating prevalence of hybrids in 🇮🇹 wolves using #HMMs and capture-recapture data #teamboulet @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS @romolocaniglia @umontpellier #CEFE pic.

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (2/4) - Olivier Gimenez

Are you ready for an awesome talk by @oaggimenez on regularization techniques for covariate selection in #caprecapt studies with Ian Renner @MoonbeamLevels ? #ISEC2018 @ISECStatEcol 😍💪🎉 — Julie Louvrier 🐱🐺 (@LouvrierJulie) 3 juillet 2018

International Statistical Ecology Conference 2018 (1/4) - Julie Louvrier

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the amazing @LouvrierJulie 👏 who tells us about mechanistic #SDMs to study 🐺 colonization in 🇫🇷 #ISEC2018 #teamboulet @ONCFS_officiel @CNRSenLR @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 2 juillet 2018 This is the end.

GDR EcoStat meeting

We organised the second conference of the GdR EcoStat. We spent two lovely days in Montpellier talking about ecological statistics with the hundred people who attended. The talks are available here.

Tribute to Jean-Dominique Lebreton

Jean-Dominique Lebreton went on retirement, and we could not let him go without organizing something in his honor. Jean-Do had a tremendous influence in the field of statistical ecology with important contributions in (among others) multivariate analyses, software developments, population dynamics, and capture-recapture methods.