
2023 retrospective

Our team on human-animal interactions has had a fantastic 2023 year! Below is a thread w/ some highlights. Follow us via @twitthair1 and check out our work at @CNRSecologie @CNRS_OccitaniE @umontpellier @EPHE_PSL @ird_fr pic.

Looking back to 2021

Looking back to 2021, I don't feel like emphasizing papers or projects. I guess this crazy period has reminded us of the importance of human relationships. Science is made by people, but people are not just scientists.

We had a great 2020 year, considering...

Some highlights on the year 2020 for our group.

Looking back at 2019

Our team has had a fantastic 2019 year! Below is a thread w/ some highlights 🥳🍻📈 @LMarescot @NSantostasi @MaudQueroue @ValentinLauret @oksanagrente @GueryLorelei @roques_seb @SCubi25 @LouvrierJulie — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) December 29, 2019

Looking back at 2018

Our team has had a fantastic 2018 year! Inspired by @Maestrelab, below is a thread of some highlights 🍾😜🤩 @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier @IsiteMUSE @LMarescot @NSantostasi @MaudQueroue @ValentinLauret @oksanagrente @GueryLorelei @roques_seb — Olivier Gimenez 💤 (@oaggimenez) 23 décembre 2018 <