reproducible science

Workshop on reproducible science in R & RStudio

Everything (including data, slides and codes) about the workshop on reproducible science I run.

Workshop on reproducible science

Workshop to come on reproducible science in our lab.

R Markdown

In our weekly group meeting this morning, I introduced R Markdown a great #rstats tool to write reproducible documents (reports, articles, slides, websites) smoothly mixing text, code, figures and equations in html, word or pdf format.

Workshop on reproducible science

This week we host our first winter school on «Reproducible Research in Numerical Ecology » co-organised by #GDR_Ecostat & #CESAB @FRBiodiv. Many thanks to our incredible list of speakers : Nicolas Casajus, Stéphane Dray, @GueryLorelei, @oaggimenez, @FGuilhaumon & @NinaSchiett !

Workshop on reproducible science

Formation #CESAB / GDR EcoStat: Bonnes pratiques pour une recherche reproductible en écologie numérique, 2-6/12/2019, Montpellier. Par Nicolas Casajus, Stéphane Dray, @GueryLorelei, @oaggimenez @FGuilhaumon & @NinaSchiett ➡ @INEE_CNRS @Ifremer_fr