Prospectives scientifiques du CEFE

Journée prospective de notre laboratoire le #CEFE @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR @umontpellier 😍😉 pic.twitter.com/WwUDndaEgO — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 6 mars 2018

Annual meeting our Biodiversity and Conservation meeting

Philosophie, linguistique, géographie, psychologie, écologie : la question de la nature. #SHS dans un labo d écologie et d évolution! #femmesenscience #WomenInScience pic.twitter.com/mEQcur0EKv — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 16 février 2018

Biodiversity and conservation department meeting

We had our annual department day; for the occasion, we invited Anne-Caroline Prévot. Anne-Caro is having a fascinating scientific pathway, as she started with a PhD in bird population dynamics and now she’s working on topics requiring skills in environmental psychology.

Moving upstairs

Our team has recently joined the department Biodiversity & Conservation at CEFE, a department that I have the pleasure to head now. We have moved offices and are now on the second floor.