My plenary talk at ISEC2022 on Statistical ecology, hidden Markov models and large carnivores.

Statistical ecology 🌍📊, hidden Markov models 🛰️ and large carnivores 🐺😺🐻 Soooo happy to share our research in this plenary talk at #ISEC2022 @ISEC_stats_ecol 🤩🍾 slides and text: video: https://t.

Reproducible research and GitHub

Yesterday I created my 200th repo on @github 😇 It's been quite an adventure to twist my old habits & switch to #ReproducibleResearch but it's definitely worth it 🤯 Plenty of help out there like @living_norway 🤩 If useful, I also have a 1-day workshop https://t.

A proposal for a diamond Open Access journal in Statistical Ecology

Check it out, this is huge 🤯 Awesome initiative led by @FredBarraquand Let's get ourselves a 💎 #OpenAccess journal in #StatisticalEcology 🤩 Free for readers and for authors pic.

Tips and tricks in Tidyverse

Because of my old age I guess, I'm often asked how I switched from base R #RStats to #tidyverse. I learnt by watching @drob screencasts 🎥 in which he analyses #TidyTuesday data he has never seen before (!

Semaine écologie environnement biodiversité du CNRS à Montpellier

A Montpellier, @oaggimenez présente le fonctionnement du DIPEE Occitanie-Est qui rassemble plusieurs laboratoires @UmrAmap @cefemontpellier @criobe_pf @isemevol @umrMARBEC @MIVEGEC @ihpe_lab @EcotronCNRS Pour en savoir plus sur ce DIPEE 👇

Our new book on statistical approaches for hiddens variables in ecology

It's real 😇🤩🥳 — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) May 24, 2022

My quick introduction to data visualisation with R

🔧🚧 I have updated my quick introduction to data visualisation w/ R 📦 ggplot2 🥳 In case it's useful 😉▶️ ◀️ w/ practicals & solutions Cartoons @allison_horst 💜#ggplot #tidyverse #dataviz #RStats pic.

Introduction on data wrangling with R

🔧🚧 Intro on data wrangling w/ R 📦 dplyr - import data, pipe, pivot, join, filter, count, work w/ columns, dates, char, factors, etc #tidyverse ▶️ ◀️ w/ practicals https://t.

Introduction to GIS and mapping in R

😇 I updated the slides of my introduction to #GIS and #mapping in #rstats using the #sf package and 🐻 🗺️ in the #pyrenees 🏔️ 🧑‍🏫 Slides: 🧑‍💻 Code: https://t.

Matrix population models: Lecture slides and R codes for a workshop

Happy to share lecture slides & R codes of an earlier version of the workshop 👇 we ran back in 2014 🤯 w JD Lebreton & @KoonsLab ➡️ #RStats For video 📽️📺, check out our workshop on pop dynamics https://t.