Nos travaux sur le loup

Notre équipe @twitthair1 travaille bcp sur les questions en lien avec la gestion du loup en France 🐺🇫🇷 Voici qqs pointeurs sur nos travaux, en privilégiant les productions en français. Plusieurs de ces résultats ont été obtenus avec les collègues @OFBiodiversite 🧵⬇️

R2ucare back on CRAN

If you need to test the goodness-of-fit of your open capture-recapture models, good news, our #RStats R2ucare is back on CRAN thanks to the amazing work of Murray Efford and @bc_stevenson 🙏🤩

Save the data: EURING2023 in Montpellier April 17-21

🥳 Save the date 🥳 The 2023 Euring Analytical Conference will be held in Montpellier (France), on April 17-21, 2023. Check out for info. 🤗🤩We look forward to welcoming you all 🤗🤩@_EURING @abesnardEPHE pic.

Quick and dirty text mining analysis of ISEC2022 abstracts

Quick & dirty text mining analysis of #ISEC2022 abstracts using topic modelling. Nothing out of the ordinary. Would be curious to assess time trends in topics w/ longitudinal analysis @chrissuthy 😇😉

Workshop at ISEC2022 on capture-recapture HMMs and Nimble

Would you like to get the most out of your capture-recapture data? We run a workshop on multisite/state/event HMMs models in #Rstats Nimble w/ Daniel Turek @R_nimble at #ISEC2022 @ISEC_stats_ecol

New paper on monk seal recovery in Greece

Thrilled to see our work on Mediterranean monk seal out in @AnimalConserv 🦭 We show a significant range recovery of the species in Greece 🇬🇷 using #CitizenScience & occupancy models

Career advice to Early Career Researchers

I'm always reluctant to give career advice, cause what worked for me won't work for others, and there is obviously a survivorship bias. For what it's worth, my 10 pieces of advice to early career researchers in statistical ecology #ISEC2022 🙏 @BayesRuth for the Q 😉

My plenary talk at ISEC2022 on Statistical ecology, hidden Markov models and large carnivores.

Statistical ecology 🌍📊, hidden Markov models 🛰️ and large carnivores 🐺😺🐻 Soooo happy to share our research in this plenary talk at #ISEC2022 @ISEC_stats_ecol 🤩🍾 slides and text: video: https://t.

Reproducible research and GitHub

Yesterday I created my 200th repo on @github 😇 It's been quite an adventure to twist my old habits & switch to #ReproducibleResearch but it's definitely worth it 🤯 Plenty of help out there like @living_norway 🤩 If useful, I also have a 1-day workshop https://t.

A proposal for a diamond Open Access journal in Statistical Ecology

Check it out, this is huge 🤯 Awesome initiative led by @FredBarraquand Let's get ourselves a 💎 #OpenAccess journal in #StatisticalEcology 🤩 Free for readers and for authors pic.