Capture-recapture workshop

The team run two 1-week workshops on capture-recapture models and matrix models. We’re grateful to all the attendees who came, with fascinating research topics and stimulating questions. No need to say that your presence means a lot to us!

The GDR is statistical ecology is born!

The French research group in Statistical Ecology (GDR EcoStat) is born. Funded by CNRS, the objective is to structure the research in statistical ecology at a national (French) level. Check out our website, and sign up for our mailing list!

Individual heterogeneity and capture-recapture at EURING 2013

Below are the slides of my plenary talk at the 2013 EURING meeting on individual variability in capture-recapture models. I couldn’t attend, but the organizers were kind enough to run my presentation to the audience.

My CNRS interview for a senior scientist position

Here are the slides of my interview for a CNRS senior scientist position (DR2). Note that CNRS offers interdisciplinary positions, which is sadly not true for all of our research institutes.

My HDR defense

Here are the slides of my HDR defense. This is a necessary step in France (and in other countries) to be authorized to supervise (officially) PhD students.