GDEGeM workshop on bottlenose dolphin conservation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea

During the period 2013-2015, the NGO GIS3M led the GDEGeM project in which tons of data (on abundance and distribution among others) were collected on bottlenose dolphins.

Talk on the science-management gap in Marseille

We attended the conference organized by the French Ecological Society in Marseille. Our talk was ‘Conservation and management of large carnivores in France: A beneficial collaboration between ONCFS practitioners and CNRS researchers’.

Another visit of Raluca Bancila

Raluca Bancila, who visited us back in 2015, is with us again for a short 2-week visit. We will resume a project we started one year ago on the evaluation of demographic parameters of two related species of spadefoot toads (Pelobates syriacus and P.

Laura Cowen's sabbatical

Laura Cowen from the Department of Math and Stat at University of Victoria (Canada) will be on a sabbatical with us for 3 months. We will be working on the applications of hidden Markov models to capture-recapture data.

Analysing the social Star Wars network in The Attack of the Clones with R

This is a free adaptation of two (very) clever analyses made by others: The Star Wars Social Network by Evelina Gabasov in which program F# was mostly used to analyse the Star wars social networks

Research grant on multispecies demography

Wow, another good news, our project “Climate and management effects on COMmunity dynamics – Developing multi-species DEMOgraphy” will be funded by ANR!

Self teaching reproducible research

I decided to teach myself how to do proper reproducible research. Many reasons to that: save time on the mid/long term, make my analyses open and criticizable, share with others, …

International Statistical Ecology Conference in Seattle

I attended the International Statistical Ecology Conference in Seattle. I don’t go often to conferences, but I do my best not to miss that one.

Research grant on human-dolphin interactions

Great news! Our project on “Scenarios for coexistence between men and dolphins on the Mediterranean French littoral” will be funded by Fondation de France.

Visiting Tromso, polar bear demography

My post-doc Sarah Cubaynes and I went to visit our colleague Jon Aars in Tromso, Norway. We are working together on the demography of polar bears using an amazing dataset the Norwegian Polar Institute has been collecting for decades.