2018 capture-recapture workshop

#multievent #capturerecapture workshop - Intro by #RogerPradel 😍📈 Check out the comments for a few relevant papers on the topic @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR pic.twitter.com/4nHrXBakgf — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 20 mars 2018

Team meeting on the role of scientists in public debate

Inspiring #teamboulet meeting on the role of scientists in public debate with special guest sociologist #LauraSeguin https://t.co/4DQyDYJ0vA #WomenInScience @FredBarraquand @AmandaVincent1 @ValentinLauret @SCubi25 pic.twitter.com/T4eY8hiN6H — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 17 mars 2018

Amanda Vincent is on sabbatical with us

Thrilled to welcome @AmandaVincent1 for a 6-month sabbatical in the #teamboulet @projectseahorse https://t.co/dcpXbRDJHB @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR pic.twitter.com/OyMbMKwO9K — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 17 mars 2018

New paper!

New paper 🎉🎉 "Social status mediates the fitness costs of infection with canine distemper virus in Serengeti spotted hyenas" https://t.co/LdWNAWFWum @BritishEcolSoc by L. Marescot and S. Benhaiem #teamboulet #multievent #hmm 😎😊 https://t.

Prospectives scientifiques du CEFE

Journée prospective de notre laboratoire le #CEFE @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR @umontpellier 😍😉 pic.twitter.com/WwUDndaEgO — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 6 mars 2018

Kick-off meeting of our project on mitigating lynx-vehicle collisions

Réunion de lancement avec les acteurs du territoire de notre projet sur "Eviter, réduire et compenser la mortalité du Lynx par collision avec les véhicules de transport" https://t.co/uKY5ylOli2 @_Cerema #oncfs @CROC_Estelle @INEE_CNRS #ittecop @ademe @FRBiodiv @Min_Ecologie 🤩💪 pic.

New paper!

New paper "Searching for meaning in marine mammal shared data" 🐬🖥️📈 #openaccess #reproducibility https://t.co/puZrXHACUW pic.twitter.com/7ULeAJLMfT — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 23 février 2018

New paper!

New paper on "Content analysis of 🗞️ coverage of 🐺 recolonization in 🇫🇷 using structural topic modeling"; free PDF here: https://t.co/w4wHPfbSZ8 (there are production errors in the figures that should be corrected in a few days) pic.

Annual meeting our Biodiversity and Conservation meeting

Philosophie, linguistique, géographie, psychologie, écologie : la question de la nature. #SHS dans un labo d écologie et d évolution! #femmesenscience #WomenInScience pic.twitter.com/mEQcur0EKv — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 16 février 2018

Running OpenBUGS in parallel

Recently, I have been using `OpenBUGS` for some analyses that `JAGS` cannot do. However, `JAGS` can be run in parallel through [the `jagsUI` package](https://github.com/kenkellner/jagsUI), which can save you some precious time. So the question is how to run several chains in parallel with `OpenBUGS`.