Team meeting on stochastic dynamic programming

We had a stimulating #teamboulet meeting this morning, w/ #decocom post-doc #LucileMarescot giving a crash course on how to make optimal decisions under #uncertainty using stochastic dynamic programming #SDP #decisionmaking @AgenceRecherche @CNRSenLR pic.

Team meeting on communicating science

Awesome #teamboulet weekly meeting last Friday with #ReginaBestbier & @AmandaVincent1 @projectseahorse @UBC on communicating science 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 "1/ Who is your audience 2/ What is your message 3/ Keep it simple and easy" #scicomm #WomenInSTEM @CNRSenLR pic.

Associate editor for People and Nature

Very honored and pleased 🤩 to serve as an Associate Editor for the new @BritishEcolSoc journal 'People and Nature' 🎉🍾 Looking forward to handling my first submission 👀 #SocialSciences #ecology #nature #humanities https://t.

Séminaire interfaces linguistique et écologie

Séminaire interfaces #linguistique et #écologie organisé par @Praxiling et #CEFE 14/05 @montpellier_ On y parlera de notre article récent sur le traitement médiatique du 🐺 dans la 🗞️ @CNRSenLR @univpaulvalery @lemondefr @lemonde_science @Nice_Matin pic.

Team meeting science and policy

Science 🌉 policy: Inspiring meeting this morning w/ Sarah Fowler @saveourseas scientific adviser and @AmandaVincent1 "How scientists can influence policy? One person can make a difference" #teamboulet #CEFE @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR @umontpellier pic.

New paper!

"R2ucare: An R #rstats package to perform goodness‐of‐fit tests for capture‐recapture models" in @MethodsEcolEvol 🤓😎 - paper entirely written w/ #rmarkdown thx @stevenvmiller 💯 - replication files ➡️ https://t.

Julie dans MT180s

Ma thèse en 180 secondes (2018) - Des loups et des crottes 🐺💩 - Julie Louvrier ou comment vulgariser son travail de #thèse sur la modélisation #statistique de la distribution des grands #carnivores #occupancy #SDM #MT180

Team meeting: A career path from academia to data science

A career path from #academia to #datascience - inspiring #teamboulet meeting today w/ @StatnMap from @thinkR_fr. I'm sharing a few #careertips he gave us 💯 👇 — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 3 avril 2018

Journées d'échanges entre ONCFS et CNRS

Awesome day of talks/discussions between the 🇫🇷 Game and Wildlife Agency #ONCFS and @INEE_CNRS to reinforce our links and improve the ways we work together @NirSeMa 🐹🐰🐻🐸🦊🐺🐦🐗🦌🦆 — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 27 mars 2018

Interactions between dolphins and human activities

Présentation de notre projet Interact sur interactions dauphins-activités humaines dans le bulletin Pelagos 2018 @Fondationfrance @GIS_3M @Pelagos_ @INEE_CNRS @CNRSenLR — Olivier Gimenez 🍉 (@oaggimenez) 20 mars 2018