Local minima and multistate capture-recapture models

I thought I'd share some #rstats code about local minima in #multistate #capturerecapture models https://t.co/aJE33dBtdO using #Mark #Admb #Jags #Stan (#Nimble & #TMB to come). Largely inspired by Chapter 9 of the "Gentle introduction to Mark" by Cooch & White 😉 pic.

Tutorial on fitting a system of Ordinary Differential Equations to time-series data using OpenBUGS

Just wrote a short #tutorial on fitting a system of Ordinary Differential Equations to time-series data using #OpenBUGS in #rstats https://t.co/7luj8XVgP6 - Data and model are from https://t.co/X9CwX7dW83 in which #zombie movies are used for illustration #shaunofthedead pic.

Carnivores without borders: management of transboundary populations when objectives differ

A nice post by @ksuryawanshi on our recent paper on transboundary management of wolverines in Scandinavia: "Carnivores without borders: management of transboundary populations when objectives differ" https://t.co/OcAAgwUP4U via @JAppliedEcology — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) 9 mai 2019

New paper: How many cubs can a mum nurse? Maternal age and size influence litter size in polar bears

New paper on 'How many cubs can a mum nurse? Maternal age and size influence litter size in polar bears' https://t.co/Utu4VZ0Ms3 w/ #DorindaFolio (former Master student 👏🤩) and #SarahCubaynes in control #WomenInSTEM - PDF on request 😉 pic.

Combining multiple data sources in species distribution models while accounting for spatial dependence and overfitting with penalised likelihood maximisation

New #preprint on "Combining multiple data sources in species distribution models while accounting for spatial dependence and overfitting with penalised likelihood maximisation" https://t.co/7GLRrgpo4D w/ @MoonbeamLevels & @LouvrierJulie #SDM #MachineLearning #PointProcess pic.

Jags code to fit a multistate single-season occupancy model

Quick and dirty code to fit a multistate single-season #occupancy model in Jags using a #HMM formulation, in case it's useful https://t.co/vUlrP0jjIU #JAGS #rstats w/ @ArnaudLyet pic.twitter.com/dSr0BlICb6 — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) 13l 2019

New paper on Inferring animal social networks with imperfect detection

New paper on "Inferring animal social networks with imperfect detection" w/ colleagues from 🇦🇷 and #LorenaMansilla our 🇨🇱 PhD student #SocialNetworks #CaptureRecapture #StateSpaceModel #rstats #BayesianStatistics - Download PDF freely here https://t.

Un article dans La Recherche sur nos travaux

🐺🔎💩 Un chouette article https://t.co/Qm0fkSX675 dans @maglarecherche sur les travaux de thèse de @LouvrierJulie sur écologie statistique, modèles de distribution d'espèce et grands carnivores - merci @BereniceRbt ! Bel exemple de collaborations @oncfs @INEE_CNRS @umontpellier pic.

Preprint on how many lynx in France

How many lynx are there? "Spatial density estimates of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the 🇫🇷 Jura and Vosges 🏔️" https://t.co/roLlOsFxw7 @oncfs @CROC_Estelle @ZiFridolin w/ awesome #oSCR @rstats 📦 @chrissuthy @andyroyle_pwrc @dwlinden @CNRS_OccitaniE @INEE_CNRS pic.

Fitting stochastic predator-prey models using both population density and kill rate data

@FredBarraquand is on 🔥 - check out his new #arXiv preprint "Fitting stochastic predator-prey models using both population density and kill rate data" https://t.co/u23GoSoo81 pic.twitter.com/0YwHWbNepb — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) 4 avril 2019