IPM workshop

It is my pleasure to announce that Michael Schaub and Marc Kéry will run their Integrated Population Modelling workshop in Montpellier this November.

L'université et la recherche s'arrêtent

Le 5 mars, l’université et la recherche s’arrêtent.

Public lecture on statistical ecology

I will soon be talking to an audience of Master students giving thoughts about how ecology and statistics may interact (aka Statistical Ecology), with large carnivors as a case study.

Review of HMMs in ecology

Our new preprint on HMMs for ecology, or how we’'’ve been using HMMs for ever without even knowing it.

Visit to Norway

Landing in Norway to meet w/ Bischof's group @andyroyle_pwrc @R_nimble and brainstorm about large carnivores and spatially-explicit capture-recapture models #SCR @TouraniMa @PierreDupont47 @Milleret_Cyril the 20 degrees difference w Montpellier is... vivifying 😎🤧 pic.

Nina's PhD defense on modelling population dynamics in presence of hybridization

🇮🇹🇫🇷 @NSantostasi succesfully defended her PhD on modelling population dynamics in presence of hybridization between @SapienzaRoma & @umontpellier #WomenInSTEM #HMM #CaptureRecapture #MatrixModels #IndividualBasedModels #WildlifeManagement pic.twitter.com/grqiuP9xMG — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) February 21020

Reform of academia

#AcademicTwitter Thought I'd share this excellent thread in English explaining the devastating consequences of the reform of academia (universities and research institutes) and the pension reform in France - kuddos to @MHoussayH for this huge and worth effort 👏 https://t.

Bayesian SEM capture-recapture models

We had to dig out some #rstats #jags code to fit a structural equation capture-recapture model we developed w/ @SCubi25 in a 8-year old @ESAEcology paper (!), and it runs like a charm 🥳🍾#reproducibility ➡️ https://t.

Dolphin PVA

🇬🇷🐬📈@NSantostasi shows in her new paper https://t.co/EZIvJFZbV1 that Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered (w/ a stochastic PVA) #WomenInSTEM @IUCNRedList #FreeAccess 🇫🇷🇮🇹 pic.twitter.com/eC0plbVgeW — Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez) February 2020

Our new team is on !

Hello, everyone, this our #FirstTweet We are a group of @CNRS_OccitaniE and @EPHE_fr researchers working at the interface of #ecology, #modelling and #SocialSciences. HAIR is for Human-Animal InteRactions https://t.co/cCwVEmPaCE (new website to come soon) pic.