Interactive visualisation of bias in occupancy models

Interactive data visualisation of bias in occupancy models w/ flexdashboard.

Simulations from the Rota's multispecies occupancy model

How to simulate data from the Rota’s multispecies occupancy model.

Bias in occupancy models

Quick & dirty simulations to look at bias in occupancy estimates with respect to species detection for a static/single-season model.

Déprédations par le loup en France

Une analyse descriptive du phénomène de concentration d’attaques de loup sur des élevages d’animaux domestiques en France.

Bayesian implementation of the robust design

Bayesian implementation of Pollock’s robust design capture-recapture models w/ Jags.

R Markdown

In our weekly group meeting this morning, I introduced R Markdown a great #rstats tool to write reproducible documents (reports, articles, slides, websites) smoothly mixing text, code, figures and equations in html, word or pdf format.

SIR models in R

In a recent seminar, S. Gandon (w/ S. Lion and T. Day) used SIR models to illustrate the effect of diff strategies of #SocialDistancing on the #COVID19 epidemic. What better way to learn than to reproduce their results in R?

GAM-like modelling of lynx occupancy in France

Ongoing work on a flexible spatio-temporal model for occupancy data w/ a GAM-like approach in Nimble.

French annual meeting in statistical ecology

On my way to Rennes for our annual meeting on Statistical Ecology, looking forward to catching up w/ the French crowd.

Elise Zipkin's visit

It was so great to have you @ZipkinLab w/ us, it was too short though, come back soon 😋🚀 Monarch 🦋 are fascinating, data integration is the way to go! @twitthair1 pic.