Workshop on Deep Learning and Ecology

Co-organised a workshop on deep learning applications in ecology. Thread below and my notes there.

Master course on statistics for ecologists

The material (slides and video) of my course on statistics for ecologists for Master students.

Some random piece of code

Gathered some code on occupancy, capture-recapture & epidemiological models, social networks, spatial stuff, textual analyses, reproducible science, etc…

Workshop on Bayesian statistics

Just finished polishing up my slides for a workshop on Bayesian statistics.

Text mining of the ISEC2020 abstracts

Quick and dirty text mining of the ISEC2020 abstracts.


Tribute to Byron Morgan

Statistical ecology and large carnivores

Talking about statistical ecology and large carnivores.

Tagging species with deep learning.

Tagging species with deep learning.

Fitting ODE-based model to data in Nimble

Crude attempt at fitting dynamic ODE-BASED models to noisy data with Nimble.