Load packages.


Load and format data.

y <- as.matrix(read.table("dat/dony.txt"))
nsite <- ncol(y)
HD_Q <- scan("dat/HD.txt", quiet = T)
forest_Q <- scan("dat/forest.txt",quiet=T)

HD_simuls <- runif(100,min(HD_Q), max(HD_Q))
forest_simuls <- runif(100,min(forest_Q), max(forest_Q))

NsiteOBS <- 100 
resolx <- 10 
resoly <- 10 

# build study area
domaine0 <- rbind(c(-50,-50),c(-50,50),c(50,50),c(50,-50)) # so we can have 28 squares of length 10
r= raster(ncols=resolx,nrows=resoly,ext=extent(min(domaine0[,1]),max(domaine0[,1]),min(domaine0[,2]),max(domaine0[,2])))
domaine <- as(r, 'SpatialPolygons')

# observed sites
coordx = seq(min((domaine0[,1])-(min((domaine0[,1]))/sqrt(NsiteOBS))),
             max((domaine0[,1])-(max((domaine0[,1]))/sqrt(NsiteOBS))), length = sqrt(NsiteOBS))
coordy = seq(min((domaine0[,1])-(min((domaine0[,1]))/sqrt(NsiteOBS))),
             max((domaine0[,1])-(max((domaine0[,1]))/sqrt(NsiteOBS))), length = sqrt(NsiteOBS))

OBSsites <- expand.grid(coordx,coordy)
dataX <- OBSsites[,1]
dataY <- OBSsites[,2]

# get pixel id and area over which we need to integrate
Robs <- (max((domaine0[,1]))/sqrt(NsiteOBS)) 
for (i in 1:length(dataX)){
  rcenter <-Robs
  coords = matrix(c(dataX[i]-rcenter, dataY[i]-rcenter,
                    dataX[i]-rcenter, dataY[i]+rcenter,
                    dataX[i]+rcenter, dataY[i]+rcenter,
                    dataX[i]+rcenter, dataY[i]-rcenter,
                    dataX[i]-rcenter, dataY[i]-rcenter), 
                  ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  P1 = Polygon(coords)
  polyOBS <- list()
  polyOBS[[1]] <- Polygons(list(P1), ID = 1)
  polyOBS <- SpatialPolygons(polyOBS, proj4string= CRS(proj4string(domaine)))
  polyIN <- intersect(polyOBS, domaine)
  areas <- data.frame(area=sapply(polyIN@polygons, FUN=function(x) {slot(x, 'area')}))
  rownames(areas) <- sapply(polyIN@polygons, FUN=function(x) {slot(x, 'ID')})
  numPIX <- as.numeric(matrix(unlist(strsplit(rownames(areas),split=" ")),ncol=2,byrow=T)[,2])
  OBS <- rbind(OBS,cbind(rep(i,length(numPIX)),numPIX,areas$area))
colnames(OBS) <- c("OBSsite","SIMsite","area")

for (i in 1:length(dataX)){
  rcenter <-Robs
  coords = matrix(c(dataX[i]-rcenter, dataY[i]-rcenter,
                    dataX[i]-rcenter, dataY[i]+rcenter,
                    dataX[i]+rcenter, dataY[i]+rcenter,
                    dataX[i]+rcenter, dataY[i]-rcenter,
                    dataX[i]-rcenter, dataY[i]-rcenter), 
                  ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  P1 = Polygon(coords)
  polyOBS <- list()
  polyOBS[[1]] <- Polygons(list(P1), ID = 1)
  polyOBS <- SpatialPolygons(polyOBS, proj4string= CRS(proj4string(domaine)))
  plot(polyOBS, add = T, pch = 24, border = "blue", lwd = 2)

plot(domaine, add = T)
##        OBSsite SIMsite area
##   [1,]       1      91  100
##   [2,]       2      92  100
##   [3,]       3      93  100
##   [4,]       4      94  100
##   [5,]       5      95  100
##   [6,]       6      96  100
##   [7,]       7      97  100
##   [8,]       8      98  100
##   [9,]       9      99  100
##  [10,]      10     100  100
##  [11,]      11      81  100
##  [12,]      12      82  100
##  [13,]      13      83  100
##  [14,]      14      84  100
##  [15,]      15      85  100
##  [16,]      16      86  100
##  [17,]      17      87  100
##  [18,]      18      88  100
##  [19,]      19      89  100
##  [20,]      20      90  100
##  [21,]      21      71  100
##  [22,]      22      72  100
##  [23,]      23      73  100
##  [24,]      24      74  100
##  [25,]      25      75  100
##  [26,]      26      76  100
##  [27,]      27      77  100
##  [28,]      28      78  100
##  [29,]      29      79  100
##  [30,]      30      80  100
##  [31,]      31      61  100
##  [32,]      32      62  100
##  [33,]      33      63  100
##  [34,]      34      64  100
##  [35,]      35      65  100
##  [36,]      36      66  100
##  [37,]      37      67  100
##  [38,]      38      68  100
##  [39,]      39      69  100
##  [40,]      40      70  100
##  [41,]      41      51  100
##  [42,]      42      52  100
##  [43,]      43      53  100
##  [44,]      44      54  100
##  [45,]      45      55  100
##  [46,]      46      56  100
##  [47,]      47      57  100
##  [48,]      48      58  100
##  [49,]      49      59  100
##  [50,]      50      60  100
##  [51,]      51      41  100
##  [52,]      52      42  100
##  [53,]      53      43  100
##  [54,]      54      44  100
##  [55,]      55      45  100
##  [56,]      56      46  100
##  [57,]      57      47  100
##  [58,]      58      48  100
##  [59,]      59      49  100
##  [60,]      60      50  100
##  [61,]      61      31  100
##  [62,]      62      32  100
##  [63,]      63      33  100
##  [64,]      64      34  100
##  [65,]      65      35  100
##  [66,]      66      36  100
##  [67,]      67      37  100
##  [68,]      68      38  100
##  [69,]      69      39  100
##  [70,]      70      40  100
##  [71,]      71      21  100
##  [72,]      72      22  100
##  [73,]      73      23  100
##  [74,]      74      24  100
##  [75,]      75      25  100
##  [76,]      76      26  100
##  [77,]      77      27  100
##  [78,]      78      28  100
##  [79,]      79      29  100
##  [80,]      80      30  100
##  [81,]      81      11  100
##  [82,]      82      12  100
##  [83,]      83      13  100
##  [84,]      84      14  100
##  [85,]      85      15  100
##  [86,]      86      16  100
##  [87,]      87      17  100
##  [88,]      88      18  100
##  [89,]      89      19  100
##  [90,]      90      20  100
##  [91,]      91       1  100
##  [92,]      92       2  100
##  [93,]      93       3  100
##  [94,]      94       4  100
##  [95,]      95       5  100
##  [96,]      96       6  100
##  [97,]      97       7  100
##  [98,]      98       8  100
##  [99,]      99       9  100
## [100,]     100      10  100

Function that simulates data from mecastat model.

sim_mecastat <- function(resol_sim, nyear, carrying_capacity, h, intR, betaR, betaRR, intD, betaD, betaDD){
  modLOUP <- function(t,states,parms){
      toto <- paste0("U",1:(C*L))
      U <- unlist(mget(toto))
      dU  <- R * U * (1 - U / K) + (alpha * D2 %*% U) / (h * h)
      names(dU)  <- c(paste0("dU", seq(1:(C*L))))
      res <- dU
  U_matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = resol_sim, nrow = resol_sim)
  C <- ncol(U_matrix)
  L <- nrow(U_matrix)
  # neighboring matrix
  VOIS <- matrix(0,ncol=C*L,nrow=C*L)
  for (i in 1:L){
    for (j in 1:C){
      VOIS.tmp <- matrix(0,ncol=C,nrow=L)
      if((i-1)>=1){VOIS.tmp[i-1,j] <- 1}
      if((i+1)<=L){VOIS.tmp[i+1,j] <- 1}
      if((j-1)>=1){VOIS.tmp[i,j-1] <- 1}
      if((j+1)<=C){VOIS.tmp[i,j+1] <- 1}
      VOIS[(i-1)*C+j,] <- as.vector(t(VOIS.tmp))
  # diffusion if all sites are equal 
  M <- diag(-apply(VOIS,1,sum))
  for (i in 1:(C*L)){
    M[i,VOIS[i,]==1] <- 1
  D2 <- M
  # logistic growth rate
  R <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(intR + betaR * forest_simuls + betaRR * forest_simuls^2 )))
  R <- as.vector(t(round(R, digits = 2)))
  # diffusion
  alpha <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(intD + betaD * HD_simuls + betaDD * HD_simuls^2)))
  # parameters
  parms <- c(K = carrying_capacity, R = R, alpha = alpha, h = h, D2 = D2)
  # time
  times <- seq(0, nyear-1, by = 1) # nyears * 12 months
  # first cell(s) to be occupied for initial values
  U_matrix[1,1] <- nb_ind_init
  # initial values
  iniU <- as.vector(t(U_matrix))
  names(iniU) <- c(paste0("U", seq(1:(C*L))))
  inits <- iniU
  # simulations
  simul <- ode(inits, times, modLOUP, parms, method="lsoda")

Function to fit mecastat wolf model to simulated data (possibly multiple times).

fit_mecastat <- function(resol_fit, nyear, nsurvey, carrying_capacity, intR, betaR, betaRR, intD, betaD, betaDD, detection, nb_ind_init, tol_ode, h, nchains, nburn, niter, debug){
  #-------------------------- simulations ---------------------------- #
  # simulate site-specific abundance - latent states (1)
  run_sim <- sim_mecastat(resol_sim, nyear, carrying_capacity, h, intR, betaR, betaRR, intD, betaD, betaDD)
  simul <- run_sim$simul
  M <- run_sim$M
  L <- C <- resol_fit # squared study area for simplicity here
  # extraction of lambdas 
  lambda <- simul[,grep("U",dimnames(simul)[[2]])]
  # simulate counts - latent process (2)
  Ntot <- rpois(length(lambda), lambda) # multipying by 10 the surface of h because 
  # so far we were working with a rate but to 
  # get a number of individuals per cell
  dim(Ntot) <- dim(lambda)
  # apply detection process - observation process
  # to get the number of times the species has been detected at a site wihin a year, 
  r <- detection
  ptemp <- matrix(r, nrow = nyear, ncol = L*C)
  pobs <- 1-(1-ptemp)^Ntot
  nocc <- nb_survey
  nsite <- L*C
  y <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(pobs), nrow = nrow(pobs))
  for(i in 1:nrow(pobs)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(pobs)){
      y[i,j] <- rbinom(1, nocc, pobs[i,j]) # apply nocc surveys
  y <- t(y)
  #-------------------------- inference ---------------------------- #
  init_onesite <- rep(0, nsite)
  init_onesite[1] <- nb_ind_init
  VOIS <- matrix(0,ncol=C*L,nrow=C*L)
  for (i in 1:L){
    for (j in 1:C){
      VOIS.tmp <- matrix(0,ncol=C,nrow=L)
      if((i-1)>=1){VOIS.tmp[i-1,j] <- 1}
      if((i+1)<=L){VOIS.tmp[i+1,j] <- 1}
      if((j-1)>=1){VOIS.tmp[i,j-1] <- 1}
      if((j+1)<=C){VOIS.tmp[i,j+1] <- 1}
      VOIS[(i-1)*C+j,] <- as.vector(t(VOIS.tmp))
  M <- diag(-apply(VOIS,1,sum))
  for (i in 1:(C*L)){
    M[i,VOIS[i,]==1] <- 1
  # create list of data
  x.data <- list(
    origin = 0,
    tol = tol_ode, 
    init = init_onesite,
    tgrid = seq(0,nyear-1,by=1))
  # model
      # system of ODEs resolution
      solution[1:nyear, 1:nsite] <- ode(init[1:nsite], 
      D(C[1:nsite], t[nsite]), 
      # abundance model
      for (i in 1:nsite){
      for (j in 1:nsite){
      DDbis[i,j] <- DD[i,j]*alpha1[i]
      for (i in 1:nsite){
      # logistic growth + diffusion
      D(C[i], t[i]) <- rr[i] * C[i] * (1 - C[i] / KK) + inprod(DDbis[i,],C[]) / (h * h) 
      logit(rr[i]) <- a.rr + b1.rr * forest[i] + b2.rr * forest[i] * forest[i]  
      logit(alpha1[i]) <- a.D + b1.D * HD[i] + b2.D * HD[i] * HD[i] 
      for (i in 1:nsite){
      for (k in 1:nyear){
      N[i,k] ~ dpois(solution[k,i]) 
      # detection model
      for (i in 1:nsite){
      for (k in 1:nyear){
      p[i,k] <- 1 - pow(1 - r, N[i,k])
      y[i,k] ~ dbin(p[i,k],v)
      r ~ dunif(0,1) # detection
      KK ~ dnorm(5,1) # carrying capacity
      a.rr ~ dnorm(0.5,1)T(0,10)
      b1.rr ~ dnorm(0.5,1)T(0,10)
      b2.rr ~ dnorm(0.5,1)T(0,10)
      a.D ~ dnorm(2,1)T(0,10)
      b1.D ~ dnorm(0.5,1)T(0,10)
      b2.D ~ dnorm(0.3,1)T(0,10)

  # specifying the initial MCMC values
  inits <- function()list(
    N = t(Ntot),
    KK = carrying_capacity, 
    a.rr = intR,
    b1.rr = betaR,
    b2.rr = betaRR,
    a.D = intD,
    b1.D = betaD,
    b2.D = betaDD,
    r = detection)
  # setting the parameters to be monitored
  params <- c("a.rr","b1.rr","b2.rr","a.D","b1.D","b2.D", "KK","N","r")
  # calling OpenBugs
  OpenBUGS.pgm="C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenBUGS/OpenBUGS323/OpenBUGS.exe"
  ptm <- proc.time()
  wolf.sim <- bugs(x.data, inits, model.file = 'simul_cov_quadra.txt',parameters= params,n.chains = nchains, n.burnin = nburn, n.iter = niter, OpenBUGS.pgm = OpenBUGS.pgm, debug= debug_switch, codaPkg=T)
  elapsed_time = proc.time() - ptm
  res <- read.bugs(wolf.sim)

Simulation study.

resol_sim <- resolx
resol_fit <- resolx
nyear <- 20
carrying_capacity <- 5
intR = 0.4
betaR = 0.4
betaRR = 0.6
intD = 2
betaD = 0.5
betaDD = 0.3
detection <- 0.8
nb_survey <- 4
nb_ind_init <- 1
tol_ode <- 1.0E-3
h <- 10
nchains <- 1 
nburn <- 2000 
niter <- 10000
debug_switch <- F

# loop on number of simulations

res <- vector("list",H)

estim.median <- matrix(0,nrow=8,ncol=H)
estim.25 <- matrix(0,nrow=8,ncol=H)
estim.975 <- matrix(0,nrow=8,ncol=H)

Run simulations.

for(i in 1:H){
  # estimate parameters of mecastat wolf model
  #res[[i]] <- fit_mecastat(resol_fit, nyear, nsurvey, carrying_capacity, intR, betaR, betaRR, intD, betaD, betaDD, detection, nb_ind_init, tol_ode, h, nchains, nburn, niter, debug_switch)
  estim.median[,i] <- c(median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'KK'])), median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.rr'])),median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.rr'])),median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.rr'])), median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'r'])), median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,"a.D"])),  median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,"b1.D"])), median(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,"b2.D"])))
  estim.25[,i]<- c(quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'KK']),probs=2.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.rr']),probs=2.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.rr']),probs=2.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.rr']),probs=2.5/100), quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'r']),probs=2.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.D']),probs=2.5/100), quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.D']),probs=2.5/100), quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.D']),probs=2.5/100))
  estim.975[,i] <- c(quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'KK']),probs=97.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.rr']),probs=97.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.rr']),probs=97.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.rr']),probs=97.5/100), quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'r']),probs=97.5/100),quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.D']),probs=97.5/100), quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.D']),probs=97.5/100), quantile(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.D']),probs=97.5/100))

save(res, estim.median, estim.25, estim.975, file = 'resHPHR_covs2_quadra_10000it_prior_inf4.RData')

Use this link to download the results (file of size 100Mo approx).


Check out convergence.

par(mfrow = c(4,2))


plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'KK'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,10), main = "KK")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'KK'])), col = "green" )

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'a.rr'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1), main = "a.rr")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.rr'])), col = "green")

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b1.rr'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,2), main = "b1.rr")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.rr'])), col = "green")

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b2.rr'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,2), main = "b2.rr")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.rr'])), col = "green")

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'r'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1), main = "r")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'r'])), col = "green")

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'a.D'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,10), main = "a.D")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.D'])), col = "green")

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b1.D'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,10), main = "b1.D")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.D'])), col = "green")

plot(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b2.D'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,10), main = "b2.D")
lines(as.vector(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.D'])), col = "green")

Posterior densities.

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'KK'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1), main = "KK, prior = dunif(0,25)",xlim = c(-1,10))
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[2]]$res[,'KK'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,5,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 5, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'a.rr'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,2), main = "a.rr, prior = dlnorm(1,1)", xlim = c(-1,3))
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.rr'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,0.5,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 0.4, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b1.rr'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,2), main = "b1.rr, prior = dunif(0,10)", xlim = c(-1,4))
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.rr'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,0.5,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 0.4, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b2.rr'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1.5), main = "b2.rr, prior = dunif(0,10)", xlim = c(-1,2))
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.rr'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,0.5,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 0.6, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'r'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,12), main = "r, prior = dunif(0,1)", xlim = c(-0.5,1.5))
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'r'])), col = "green")
curve(dunif(x,0,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 0.2, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'a.D'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1.5), main = "a.D, prior = dlnorm(1,1)")
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.D'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,2,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 2, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b1.D'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1), main = "b1.D, prior = dunif(0,10)")
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.D'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,0.5,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 0.5, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

plot(density(as.mcmc(res[[1]]$res[,'b2.D'])), type = "l", ylim = c(0,1), main = "b2.D, prior = dunif(0,10)", xlim = c(-1,11))
lines(density(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.D'])), col = "green")
curve(dnorm(x,0.3,1), col = "blue", add =T)
abline(v = 0.3, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("chain1", "chain2", "prior"," true value"), col = c("black","green","blue","red"), lwd = 1)

Compute bias and MSE.

H <- 100
Bias <- matrix(0,nrow=1, ncol = 8)
MSE <- matrix(0,nrow=1, ncol = 8)
x <- matrix(0, nrow = H, ncol =8)
diff <- matrix(0, nrow = H, ncol = 8)
param <- c(carrying_capacity, intR, betaR, betaRR, detection, intD, betaD, betaDD)

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,1] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'KK']))
  diff[i,1] <- (x[i,1]-param[1])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,2] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.rr']))
  diff[i,2] <- (x[i,2]-param[2])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,3] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.rr']))
  diff[i,3] <- (x[i,3]-param[3])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,4] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.rr']))
  diff[i,4] <- (x[i,4]-param[4])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,5] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'r']))
  diff[i,5] <- (x[i,5]-param[5])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,6] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'a.D']))
  diff[i,6] <- (x[i,6]-param[6])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,7] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b1.D']))
  diff[i,7] <- (x[i,7]-param[7])

for(i in 1:H){
  x[i,8] <- mean(as.mcmc(res[[i]]$res[,'b2.D']))
  diff[i,8] <- (x[i,8]-param[8])

for(i in 1:length(param)) {
  Bias[i] <- ((mean(x[,i])-param[i])/param[i])*100
  MSE[i] <- mean((diff[,i])^2)
##          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]     [,4]      [,5]     [,6]     [,7]     [,8]
## [1,] 1.579092 10.64683 33.38791 12.84218 -1.025791 3.672924 89.27693 196.8127
##           [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]        [,5]       [,6]
## [1,] 0.2176843 0.02207432 0.06204329 0.04529993 0.001404637 0.06391005
##           [,7]      [,8]
## [1,] 0.2166324 0.3737464

Visualise bias and MSE.


plot(estim.median[1,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[1,],estim.25[1,],estim.975[1,])),main='Carrying capacity', xlab = 'bias = 1.57 % MSE = 0.22')
segments(estim.25[1,], 1:H, estim.975[1,], 1:100)
abline(v=carrying_capacity, lty=2, col='red')

plot(estim.median[2,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[2,],estim.25[2,],estim.975[2,])),main='Growth rate', xlab = 'bias = 10.54 % MSE = 0.02')
segments(estim.25[2,], 1:H, estim.975[2,], 1:100)
abline(v=intR, lty=2, col='red')

plot(estim.median[3,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[3,],estim.25[3,],estim.975[3,])),main='Effect of forest', xlab = 'bias = 33.39 % MSE = 0.06')
segments(estim.25[3,], 1:H, estim.975[3,], 1:100)
abline(v=betaR, lty=2, col='red')

plot(estim.median[4,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[4,],estim.25[4,],estim.975[4,])),main='Quadratic effect of forest', xlab = 'bias = 12.84 % MSE = 0.05')
segments(estim.25[4,], 1:H, estim.975[4,], 1:100)
abline(v=betaR, lty=2, col='red')

plot(estim.median[6,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[6,],estim.25[6,],estim.975[6,])),main='Diffusion coefficient', xlab = 'bias = 3.67 % MSE = 0.06')
segments(estim.25[6,], 1:H, estim.975[6,], 1:100)
abline(v=intD, lty=2, col='red')

plot(estim.median[7,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[7,],estim.25[7,],estim.975[7,])),main='Effect of human density', xlab = 'bias = 89.28 % MSE = 0.22')
segments(estim.25[7,], 1:H, estim.975[7,], 1:100)
abline(v=betaD, lty=2, col='red')

plot(estim.median[8,], 1:H, ylab='',xlim=range(c(estim.median[8,],estim.25[8,],estim.975[8,])),main='Quadratic effect of human density', xlab = 'bias = 196.82 % MSE = 0.37')
segments(estim.25[8,], 1:H, estim.975[8,], 1:100)
abline(v=betaDD, lty=2, col='red')