class: center, middle, title-slide .title[ # Practical 7 ] .author[ ### Olivier Gimenez ] .date[ ### last updated: 2024-10-17 ] --- ## Bayesian version of AIC * Watanabe-Akaike (Widely-Applicable) Information Criteria or WAIC: `$$\textrm{WAIC} = -2 \sum_{i = 1}^n \log E[\Pr(y_i \mid \theta)] + 2 p_\text{WAIC}$$` * where `\(E[p(y_i \mid \theta)]\)` is the posterior mean of the likelihood evaluated pointwise at each `\(i\)`th observation. * `\(p_\text{WAIC}\)` is a penalty computed using the posterior variance of the likelihood. * More in this video <> by McElreath. * Relatively new and not yet available in Jags in routine. --- ## WAIC in Jags ``` r # calculate wAIC with JAGS # samples <- jags.samples(storks$model,c("WAIC","deviance"), type = "mean", n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 1000, n.thin = 1) ``` --- ## WAIC in Jags ``` r samples$p_waic <- samples$WAIC samples$waic <- samples$deviance + samples$p_waic tmp <- sapply(samples, sum) waic <- round(c(waic = tmp[["waic"]], p_waic = tmp[["p_waic"]]),1) waic ``` ``` ## waic p_waic ## 218.4 13.6 ``` --- # Problem --- ## Model selection with wAIC * Fit models with rainfall effect, temperature effect and without any covariate to the stork data. * Rank them with wAIC. --- # Solution --- ## Data ``` r nbchicks <- c(151,105,73,107,113,87,77,108,118,122,112,120,122, 89,69,71,53,41,53,31,35,14,18) nbpairs <- c(173,164,103,113,122,112,98,121,132,136,133,137, 145,117,90,80,67,54,58,39,42,23,23) temp <- c(15.1,13.3,15.3,13.3,14.6,15.6,13.1,13.1,15.0,11.7, 15.3,14.4,14.4,12.7,11.7,11.9,15.9,13.4,14.0,13.9, 12.9,15.1,13.0) rain <- c(67,52,88,61,32,36,72,43,92,32,86,28,57,55,66,26, 28,96,48,90,86,78,87) ``` --- ## Model with both covariates .tiny-font[ ``` r model <- paste(" model { for( i in 1 : N) { nbchicks[i] ~ dbin(p[i],nbpairs[i]) logit(p[i]) <- a + b.temp * temp[i] + b.rain * rain[i] } # priors for regression parameters a ~ dnorm(0,0.001) b.temp ~ dnorm(0,0.001) b.rain ~ dnorm(0,0.001) } ") writeLines(model,here::here("slides", "code", "logistic.txt")) ``` ] --- ## MCMC details and data ``` r init1 <- list(a = -0.5, b.temp = -0.5, b.rain = -0.5) init2 <- list(a = 0.5, b.temp = 0.5, b.rain = 0.5) inits <- list(init1,init2) parameters <- c("a","b.temp","b.rain") nb.burnin <- 1000 nb.iterations <- 2000 datax <- list(N = 23, nbchicks = nbchicks, nbpairs = nbpairs, temp = (temp - mean(temp)) / sd(temp), rain = (rain - mean(rain)) / sd(rain)) ``` --- ## Run Jags .tiny-font[ ``` r storks <- jags(data = datax, inits = inits, = parameters, model.file = here::here("slides", "code", "logistic.txt"), n.chains = 2, n.iter = nb.iterations, n.burnin = nb.burnin) ``` ``` ## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 23 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 3 ## Total graph size: 181 ## ## Initializing model ``` ] --- ## Calculate wAIC with Jags * Check out post at <> .tiny-font[ ``` r samples <- jags.samples(storks$model,c("WAIC","deviance"), type = "mean", n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 1000, n.thin = 1) samples$p_waic <- samples$WAIC samples$waic <- samples$deviance + samples$p_waic tmp <- sapply(samples, sum) waic <- round(c(waic = tmp[["waic"]], p_waic = tmp[["p_waic"]]),1) waic ``` ``` ## waic p_waic ## 216.7 12.3 ``` ] --- ## Model with temperature only .tiny-font[ ``` r # model specification model <- paste(" model { for( i in 1 : N) { nbchicks[i] ~ dbin(p[i],nbpairs[i]) logit(p[i]) <- a + b * cov[i] } # priors for regression parameters a ~ dnorm(0,0.001) b ~ dnorm(0,0.001) } ") writeLines(model,here::here("slides", "code", "logtemp.txt")) ``` ] --- ## MCMC details and data .small-font[ ``` r # list of lists of initial values (one for each MCMC chain) init1 <- list(a = -0.5, b = -0.5) init2 <- list(a = 0.5, b = 0.5) inits <- list(init1,init2) # specify parameters that need to be estimated parameters <- c("a","b") # specify nb iterations for burn-in and final inference nb.burnin <- 1000 nb.iterations <- 2000 # read in data datax <- list(N = 23, nbchicks = nbchicks, nbpairs = nbpairs, cov = (temp - mean(temp)) / sd(temp)) ``` ] --- ## Load R2jags to run Jags through R .tiny-font[ ``` r storks_temp <- jags(data = datax, inits = inits, = parameters, model.file = here::here("slides", "code", "logtemp.txt"), n.chains = 2, n.iter = nb.iterations, n.burnin = nb.burnin) ``` ``` ## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 23 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2 ## Total graph size: 125 ## ## Initializing model ``` ] --- ## Compute wAIC ``` r samples <- jags.samples(storks_temp$model,c("WAIC","deviance"), type = "mean", n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 1000, n.thin = 1) samples$p_waic <- samples$WAIC samples$waic <- samples$deviance + samples$p_waic tmp <- sapply(samples, sum) waic_temp <- round(c(waic = tmp[["waic"]], p_waic = tmp[["p_waic"]]),1) ``` --- ## Model with rainfall only ``` r # read in data datax <- list(N = 23, nbchicks = nbchicks, nbpairs = nbpairs, cov = (rain - mean(rain)) / sd(rain)) ``` --- ## Load R2jags to run Jags through R .tiny-font[ ``` r storks_temp <- jags(data = datax, inits = inits, = parameters, model.file = here::here("slides", "code", "logtemp.txt"), n.chains = 2, n.iter = nb.iterations, n.burnin = nb.burnin) ``` ``` ## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 23 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2 ## Total graph size: 134 ## ## Initializing model ``` ] --- ## Compute wAIC ``` r samples <- jags.samples(storks_temp$model,c("WAIC","deviance"), type = "mean", n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 1000, n.thin = 1) samples$p_waic <- samples$WAIC samples$waic <- samples$deviance + samples$p_waic tmp <- sapply(samples, sum) waic_rain <- round(c(waic = tmp[["waic"]], p_waic = tmp[["p_waic"]]),1) ``` --- ## Model with no effect of covariates .tiny-font[ ``` r # model specification model <- paste(" model { for( i in 1 : N) { nbchicks[i] ~ dbin(p[i],nbpairs[i]) logit(p[i]) <- a } # priors for regression parameters a ~ dnorm(0,0.001) } ") writeLines(model,here::here("slides", "code", "lognull.txt")) ``` ] --- ## MCMC details and data .small-font[ ``` r # list of lists of initial values (one for each MCMC chain) init1 <- list(a = -0.5) init2 <- list(a = 0.5) inits <- list(init1,init2) # specify parameters that need to be estimated parameters <- c("a") # specify nb iterations for burn-in and final inference nb.burnin <- 1000 nb.iterations <- 2000 # read in data datax <- list(N = 23, nbchicks = nbchicks, nbpairs = nbpairs) ``` ] --- ## Load R2jags to run Jags through R .tiny-font[ ``` r storks_temp <- jags(data = datax, inits = inits, = parameters, model.file = here::here("slides", "code", "lognull.txt"), n.chains = 2, n.iter = nb.iterations, n.burnin = nb.burnin) ``` ``` ## Compiling model graph ## Resolving undeclared variables ## Allocating nodes ## Graph information: ## Observed stochastic nodes: 23 ## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 1 ## Total graph size: 51 ## ## Initializing model ``` ] --- ## Compute wAIC ``` r samples <- jags.samples(storks_temp$model,c("WAIC","deviance"), type = "mean", n.iter = 2000, n.burnin = 1000, n.thin = 1) samples$p_waic <- samples$WAIC samples$waic <- samples$deviance + samples$p_waic tmp <- sapply(samples, sum) waic_null <- round(c(waic = tmp[["waic"]], p_waic = tmp[["p_waic"]]),1) ``` --- ## Compare WAIC .tiny-font[ ``` r data.frame(model = c('both_covariates', 'temp', 'rain', 'none'), waic = c(waic[1], waic_temp[1], waic_rain[1], waic_null[1]), p_waic = c(waic[2], waic_temp[2], waic_rain[2], waic_null[2])) %>% arrange(waic) ``` ``` ## model waic p_waic ## 1 rain 213.7 9.7 ## 2 none 215.2 6.2 ## 3 both_covariates 216.7 12.3 ## 4 temp 219.7 9.8 ``` ] * Model with rainfall only seems to be better supported by the data. * In case models have similar wAIC values, model-averaging might be useful.