This function performs Test2.CT

test2ct(X, freq, verbose = TRUE, rounding = 3)



is a matrix of encounter histories with K occasions


is a vector of the number of individuals with the corresponding encounter history


controls the level of the details in the outputs; default is TRUE for all details


is the level of rounding for outputs; default is 3


This function returns a list with first component the overall test and second component a data.frame with 5 columns for components i (2:K-2) (in rows) of test2.Cti: component, degree of freedom, statistic of the test, p-value, signed test, test performed.


Olivier Gimenez <>, Jean-Dominique Lebreton, Rémi Choquet, Roger Pradel


# read in the classical dipper dataset dipper = system.file("extdata", "ed.inp", package = "R2ucare") dipper = read_inp(dipper,group.df=data.frame(sex=c('Male','Female'))) # Get encounter histories, counts and groups: dip.hist = dipper$encounter_histories dip.freq = dipper$sample_size = dipper$groups # split the dataset in males/females mask = ( == 'Female') dip.fem.hist = dip.hist[mask,] dip.fem.freq = dip.freq[mask] mask = ( == 'Male') dip.mal.hist = dip.hist[mask,] dip.mal.freq = dip.freq[mask] # for females X = dip.fem.hist freq = dip.fem.freq res.females = test2ct(X,freq) res.females
#> $test2ct #> stat df p_val sign_test #> 3.250 4.000 0.517 -0.901 #> #> $details #> component dof stat p_val signed_test test_perf #> 1 2 1 0 1 0 Fisher #> 2 3 1 0 1 0 Fisher #> 3 4 1 0 1 0 Fisher #> 4 5 1 3.25 0.071 -1.803 Fisher #>